A Quote by Robin S. Sharma

Don't always be so reasonable and practical and sensible that you refuse to seize glorious opportunities when they show up and push the envelope as to what's possible for you.
When it comes to putting together a new show, we always push the envelope, and that's part of Motley Crue's legacy.
I don't want to push the envelope. Let the envelope stay in the middle of the table. I'll just make you laugh.
My gift's primarily literary. That being said, I ended up a musician. By the time I made the bluegrass record...I'm more impressed with myself when I push the envelope musically than I am when I push it literality.
Lance Armstrong pushes the envelope in terms of the human experience. You can have a personal best, you can push your own envelope. For Lance, the person pushing him is him. The only person he's competing with, I think, is himself. To push that limit to the next step. There's a lot to learn from him. Lots.
What's great about 'The Daily Show' is I can use satire and push the envelope. I couldn't do that anywhere else. Even if I was a journalist.
If your aim is to give practical, sensible advice about losing weight - and not how to drop a stone in five days - you should encourage reasonable expectations, instead of dangerous ones, along with exercise and healthy eating.
I'm in competition only with myself, and I always want to push the envelope.
I think comedy in the last 5-7 years is as good as it's ever been in America. I like it when people push it. You go through periods where people did not push the envelope. The more you push it, the funnier you get.
I always think you should push your envelope every chance you get.
I refuse to totally grow up. I've always been someone who says and does things that push politically correct boundaries.
I'll always push the envelope. To me, the ultimate sin in life is to be boring. I don't play it safe.
I always not only want push the envelope in my career but I also have an itch for going against the grain.
I've always had a tendency to push the envelope as far as it can go without hurting someone's feelings.
I seize all opportunities with two hands. Everything that's happened to me has taught me to live in the moment as much as possible.
People have always wondered if I'm trying to push the envelope when it comes to my cinema - they keep questioning the visual graphics and the controversial content.
Don't preach too much to your pupils or abound in good talk in the abstract. Lie in wait rather for the practical opportunities, be prompt to seize those as they pass, and thus at one operation get your pupils both to think, to feel, and to do.
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