A Quote by Robin Sharma

Blaming others is excusing yourself. — © Robin Sharma
Blaming others is excusing yourself.
Blaming others is nothing more than excusing yourself.
I think it is important to approach others comfortably. Instead of blaming others (for not having any friends), try looking back at yourself first.
It's not exactly fair to make a mistake yourself and then start blaming others for it.
You could begin to notice whenever you find yourself blaming others or justifying yourself. If you spent the rest of your life just noticing that and letting it be a way to uncover the silliness of the human condition-the tragic yet comic drama that we all continually buy into-you could develop a lot of wisdom and a lot of kindness as well as a great sense of humor.
You can't keep blaming yourself. Just blame yourself once, and move on." Homer Simpson
Fair play with others is primarily the practice of not blaming them for anything that is wrong with us. We tend to rub our guilty conscience against others the way we wipe dirty fingers on a rag. This is as evil a misuse of others as the practice of exploitation.
I think ethical ambivalence is a kind of innoculation, a way of excusing yourself in advance for something you actually want to do. No offense.
Taking responsibility means not blaming yourself. Anything that takes away your power or your pleasure makes you a victim. Don't make yourself a victim of yourself!
The best way to sell yourself to others is first to sell the others to yourself. Check yourself against this list of obstacles to a pleasing personality: interrupting others; sarcasm; vanity; being a poor listener; insincere flattery; finding fault; challenging others without good cause; giving unsolicited advice; complaining; attitude of superiority; envy of others' success; poor posture and dress.
Any form of measuring yourself by the unkind action of another towards you is like looking into a badly fractured mirror... and then blaming yourself for the shattered image you see therein.
Be yourself' is good advice, unless you notice that people are always excusing themselves and moving away from you. In that case, try being someone else!
Get rid of the idea that God wants you to sacrifice yourself for others, and that you can secure his favor by doing so; God requires nothing of the kind from you. What He wants is that you should make the most of yourself, for yourself, and for others; and you can help others more by making the most of yourself than in any other way.
Blaming guns for killing people is like blaming pencils for bad spelling
I think blaming the president for high gas prices is like blaming Rudy Giuliani for 9/11.
Blaming Obama for Iraq violence is like blaming Daniel Craig because Octopussy sucked.
Blaming guns for murder is like blaming forks for obesity.
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