A Quote by Robin Sharma

The best Leaders Without a Title use their heads and listen to their hearts. — © Robin Sharma
The best Leaders Without a Title use their heads and listen to their hearts.
Some people carry their hearts in their heads; very many carry their heads in their hearts. The difficulty is to keep them apart, yet both actively working together.
The prudence of the best heads is often defeated by tenderness of the best hearts.
The prudence of the best heads is often defeated by the tenderness of the best hearts.
Leaders who want to show sensitivity should listen often and long and talk short and seldom. Many so-called leaders are too busy to listen. True leaders know that time spent listening is well invested.
True buoyant leaders can never communicate in percentage points, or charts and figures. First and foremost, they must be storytellers, communicating with their hearts, not heads.
The best leaders lead through influence and collaboration,regardless of their title.
The best leaders are those their people hardly know exist. The next best is a leader who is loved and praised. Next comes the one who is feared. The worst one is the leader that is despised ... The best leaders value their words, and use them sparingly. When they have accomplished their task, the people say, "Amazing! We did it, all by ourselves!
I believe that if we are to survive as a planet, we must teach this next generation to handle their own conflicts assertively andnonviolently. If in their early years our children learn to listen to all sides of the story, use their heads and then their mouths, and come up with a plan and share, then, when they become our leaders, and some of them will, they will have the tools to handle global problems and conflict.
Everything in the business is based around the idea of a World Championship. WWE, World Heavyweight Championship, Universal Title, the ROH Title, or the IWGP Title - they are all World Championships. The best of the best.
the best leaders try to train their followers themselves to become leaders. ... they wish to be leaders of leaders.
A leader without a title is better than a title without the ability to lead.
Whether it's the NXT title or the United States title or the Intercontinental title or the World title, if I have that title, then that's the most important one.
The best leaders collect information widely, listen to everybody, and then decide by themselves.
Prayerless leaders are like ship captains without compasses; they can make their best guess at which direction to go, but they have no assurance they are heading the right way. Prayer keeps leaders focused on the one absolutely consistent factor in life - God.
It's the best honor when someone wants to use as their professional title the name of a character that you portrayed.
In Israel's short history, army commanders and the heads of the intelligence agencies have often advocated the use of force and in many cases showed contempt for the law and human rights. Political leaders have typically been more measured.
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