Don't get older just to get wiser. If you get older, you will be wiser, I believe that - if you dare. But get older because it's fun!
I just think that things get easier as you get older and wiser and more experienced. You get more confident about who you are as you get older. I find that really comforting.
As we get older, everyday feels longer, and although I know I’ll struggle, I will do my best to never get tired.
I get tired of negativity in our country. I get tired of people who only want to know dirt. I get tired of people who don't believe in themselves.
Sometimes, you get tired of fighting. I think you just sort of come to this realization that yes, that you will get tired, but that doesn't mean that you can give up the fight.
I believe you never get tired by doing work. You get tired when you don't work. When you clean your house, you don't get tired; it gives you satisfaction.
What I am finding now is that my audience is getting younger as I get older, which is a very good thing as you know - you don't want them to get older as you get older.
Kid problems are when you're bummed because girls don't like you or something silly, but then you get older and people start dying and going broke and whatever. People get sick. When you get older these things just happen.
As an older lineman, if you start to sit around, you get stiff. You get tired. Things start to set in.
I only wanted to get married once, so when I felt I was ready to handle it, I looked at my relationships and noticed that boyfriends get tired of girlfriends, and vice versa, but you never get tired of your friends.
Inevitably people will get tired of me. People get tired of everyone except Jimmy Stewart. I'm not saying Jimmy Stewart would get tired of me, I'm just saying people will never get tired of Jimmy Stewart.
I'd rather let the song live and, as I get older, I'm less absorbed with the clothing. The older I get, I just wanna write good songs.
I've always wanted to direct and as I grow and I get older and I get older I just want to let that evolve.
As a father, you immediately become uncool, especially the older they get. The older you get, it's inevitable that, as cool as you think you are, you're probably just as lame in your kids' eyes.
It's cool because, as you get older, you get offered older parts. You're older, so you can't play 10 anymore. That was always very exciting for me.
Call home at least once a week. It's a proven fact that we call home less the older we get. And that's wrong. It should be the other way around. As we get older, our parents get older.