A Quote by Roger Bacon

Cease to be ruled by dogmas and authorities; look at the world! — © Roger Bacon
Cease to be ruled by dogmas and authorities; look at the world!
The modern world is filled with men who hold dogmas so strongly that they do not even know they are dogmas.
One cannot escape dogmas—those who hold most firmly to dogmas today are those whose only dogma is that dogmas should be feared like the plague.
Never look for right in the other man, but never cease to be right yourself. We always look for justice in this world, but there is no such thing as justice. Jesus says — Never look for justice, but never cease to give it.
The world is ruled by letting things take their course. It cannot be ruled by interfering.
Because men have so long ruled the world, it does not follow that the philosophy by which they have ruled it is the correct one.
You must cease from looking at human mistakes and look at successes; cease from seeing faults and see virtues.
O cease! must hate and death return, Cease! must men kill and die? Cease! drain not to its dregs the urn Of bitter prophecy. The world is weary of the past, Oh, might it die or rest at last!
Look within, for within is the wellspring of virtue, which will not cease flowing, if you cease not from digging.
There are five things which no one is able to accomplish in this world: first, to cease growing old when he is growing old; second, to cease being sick; third, to cease dying; fourth, to deny dissolution when there is dissolution; fifth, to deny non-being.
It is a mystery to me how a theologian can be praised for having brought himself to disbelieve dogmas. I've always thought that those who have brought themselves to believe in dogmas merit the true recognition owing a heroic deed.
Dogmas take endless forms, and when you can persuade different people to hold opposing dogmas, the manipulation of conflict and control through "divide and rule" becomes easy. It is happening today in the same way - more so, in fact - as it has throughout human history.
Hatreds never cease by hatreds in this world. By love alone they cease. This is an ancient Law.
Dogmas are collective conceptual prisons. And the strange thing is that people love their prison cells because they give them a sense of security and a false sense of 'I know.' Nothing has inflicted more suffering on humanity than its dogmas.
Never look for justice in this world, never cease to give it.
Even if you don't have the authorities - and frankly I didn't have the authorities for anything - if you take charge, people will follow.
The problem is that when you grow absolutely certain that all authorities are corrupt, then that would include the Palestinian authorities as well.
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