A Quote by Roger Clemens

It was an exciting time for me personally because the number of times I've been to the playoffs, that was the opportunity to obtain the first ring. That was special, that's for sure.
For me personally, I've been able to main event a number of independent shows outside Ring of Honor I've been doing as well. It's been really exciting for me to do that for women's wrestling and to have that opportunity.
It was my 44th win [in Monaco]; 44 is my race number; and it's been my number since I was 8. And it's my family's number as well. So it was a special day, for sure.
I would like to be in the playoffs. I would hope that there is some opportunity to go and play in the playoffs. Those are the best games, the most fun for sure, and you have a chance to win.
The center stone on my ring is the diamond from my mom's original engagement ring. My parents have been married 25 years! My dad bought her a new ring a while back, so she kept her original diamond to pass down to me or my sister someday. It is so special having an heirloom ring because I will get to pass it down one day, too.
When I got the opportunity to do the new wing [the Schauhaus] for the German Historical Museum, for instance, I didn't see it as an opportunity for my own ego, to do something so exciting that every architectural publication would want to put it on the cover. I accepted it because I knew it was going to be a very difficult project, and I wasn't sure I could do something exciting there.
I would have to say probably some of my favorite highlights in the ring would have to be with The Rock. Because at that time, me and him were number one guys, both of us on the rise, and just the matches we had were good times.
I'm an actor first then an anchor. Had I not been a popular actor, I'd have probably not got the opportunity to host a show. I enjoy the latter because it's me there and I rediscover a lot of things personally.
I went to Golden State and helped them get to the playoffs my first year there, and they haven't been to the playoffs in 13 years. I played in Charlotte... and I got them to the playoffs. So, every team I go to, I make them better.
I personally claim no special insight into Satan's methods, but I have at times been able to identify his influence and his actions in my life and in the lives of others. When I was on my first mission, Satan sought to divert me from my future path and, if possible, to destroy my usefulness in the Lord's work.
[The Angels are] a team that gives you an opportunity always to be in the playoffs. This time, my first time with them, I was very close to getting to the World Series, so why not stay?
There are a number of times when we have found, there's a number of old-school special effects in here that are fantastic, but there are definitely some times that we went digital and you're not going to tell the difference, I don't think. I think it just serves the storytelling because that's just the era that we live in.
That's a moment I will never forget in my life, never ever. It was the first time I made the playoffs. After we lost to the Celtics, I told myself, I never want to play a season without making the playoffs, because it was so much fun.
You don't realize the atmosphere in the arena until you're down on the ice for real, especially during the playoffs. You come out of the gate, you hear the fans going crazy, you know you're at home and in for a good time. It's something special, that's for sure.
Any time you have an opportunity to do something for the first time, it's super exciting, and I just want to soak up everything, and each experience... just to say that you've represented your country at the Olympics, it's such a rare opportunity.
I know winning 20 is a special kind of thing, but I'd rather get into the playoffs, and be strong for the playoffs.
There's the excitement of adding color, which I didn't know anything about until 1997 or so, when I did my first picture book. So, the kid's book in particular have been exciting for me because it forced me to go back to the work I loved as a young boy reading Sunday's supplements and comics in the Sunday papers when I was six, seven, eight, nine. And number of which have been in wonderful collections, beautifully reproduced.
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