A Quote by Romesh Ranganathan

I would not have succeeded as a comedian had I not had some hugely lucky breaks. — © Romesh Ranganathan
I would not have succeeded as a comedian had I not had some hugely lucky breaks.
There are lots of actors out there who are hugely, hugely talented and haven't got the breaks I've had.
People whine, 'I haven't succeeded because I haven't had the breaks.' You create your own breaks.
My parents were in Vaudeville, in musical. And I would tour with them and had a couple of wonderfully lucky breaks in England.
I was lucky. I had some really good people that were just here there and wherever who would come into my life that I felt would answer questions. I mean, I had some very powerful questions myself for what this earth was all about.
For some reason, the fans got behind me, and I don't know exactly why that is. I wasn't supposed to main event WrestleMania XXX, but the fans were so vocal about it that the fans had no choice but to put me in the match. I've had a lot of lucky breaks.
He had learned from experience that what he succeeded in putting down on paper was only ever a pale reflection of what he had imagined, and so he had come to accept that this would only be half as good as the original, half as acceptable as the flawless, unachievable novel that had acted as a guide, and which he imagined pulsating mockingly behind each book like some ghostly presence.
If we'd had a Svengali manager and done what we would have been told, maybe we would have had a bigger, more hugely successful career.
I'm not a big believer in fate, but, boy, I've had a lot of lucky breaks.
For me, personally, life in South Africa had come to an end. I had been lucky in some of the whites I had met. Meeting them had made a straight 'all-blacks-are-good, all-whites-are-bad' attitude impossible. But I had reached a point where the gestures of even my friends among the whites were suspect, so I had to go or be forever lost.
When I was 15, I had lucky underwear. When that failed, I had a lucky hairdo, then a lucky race number, even lucky race days. After 15 years, I've found the secret to success is hard work.
I feel very lucky to make a living from my imagination; I'm very grateful for that. I like that what I do is create. I'm feeling very lucky to have had the career I had. It's gone much longer and bigger than I ever thought it would be.
I was lucky that I had parents that had had supernatural experiences, so I could talk to them openly without them looking at me as some lunatic.
Richard Pryor - he had stories, he had characters, he had short jokes, and he had bits. He had all those things. Eddie Murphy has all those things, and he can sing. A comedian is a bunch of stuff; it's not just one area.
I've really been extremely lucky. Some people work just as hard, are just as intelligent, and they don't get their breaks. I've just gotten the breaks. Maybe it's good karma.
I had some good opportunities. I was lucky to have had the chance to do things differently. Architecture is about surprise.
If I wrote in a sonnet form, I would be distorting. Or if I had some great new idea for line breaks and I used it in a poem, but it's really not right for that poem, but I wanted it, that would be distorting.
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