A Quote by Ron Paul

Prohibiting guns on campus made the Virginia Tech students less safe, not more. — © Ron Paul
Prohibiting guns on campus made the Virginia Tech students less safe, not more.
If you think of all the publicity about the terrible tragedy of Virginia Tech, we have a Virginia Tech in this country every day. It's just spread across 50 states.
For several years at the University of Virginia, students had an annual tradition of raising hell around campus, burning tar barrels and shooting pistols into the air.
There is absolutely no reason to suspect that prohibiting same-sex couples from marrying and refusing to recognize their out-of-state marriages will cause same-sex couples to raise fewer children or impel married opposite-sex couples to raise more children. The Virginia Marriage Laws therefore do not further Virginia's interest in channeling children into optimal families, even if we were to accept the dubious proposition that same-sex couples are less capable parents.
If you have a choice between buying something in Vietnam or China or buying something made in Virginia, why not buy it from people in Virginia? A lot of times, it's not much more expensive or may even be less.
In 1996, we go on the road and there would be a couple of hundred people around the desk. It just kept growing and growing. I think the year it changed was when Michael Vick was at Virginia Tech and Frank Beamer was the first coach to recognize the benefit of having College GameDay come to your campus.
Texas is reportedly going to give college students the right to carry guns on campus. So I guess that next semester, every college student in Texas is getting straight A's.
I think the War on Terror has succeeded in creating more terror, more terrorists, a less safe America, and a less safe world.
Gun control advocates used to claim that more guns meant more crime. Research demonstrated, though, that more guns meant less crime. As the criminology argument faded, gun control advocates began arguing guns were a public health problem.
As the president of a university community of nearly 15,000 students and 7,000 faculty and staff, I take very seriously my responsibility to keep our campus safe in an increasingly dangerous world. The concealed carry policy has worked well for us.
The more you start prohibiting donors, the more you are going to have less blood in the supply. It's still not clear you can get it from blood transfusions.
The scientific world is to be less threatening than was feared. It is to made safe for human beings. And the way to make it safe is to reflect on the foundation of knowledge.
God is punishing America for the way they have persecuted us at Westboro Baptist Church, and worse and more of [the Virginia Tech massacre] is coming and this evil sodomite nation is doomed.
Fortunately, as it pertains to guns, my dad and uncle introduced me to guns the way it needs to be done: smart, slow and safe.
He particularly liked about making students safe for ideas, not ideas safe for students.
The key to a better life: Complain less, appreciate more. Whine less, laugh more. Talk less, listen more. Want less, give more. Hate less, love more. Scold less, praise more. Fear less, hope more.
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