A Quote by Ronnie Screwvala

Somebody is coming to bring their global vision to India. If they are coming on their own, they shouldn't tie up. If they are coming because you know the ground level and there are international best practices to be shared, then it is the best way.
When you wonder what is coming, tell yourself the best is coming, the very best life and love have to offer, the best God and His universe have to send. Then open your hands to receive it. It's yours.
If I know somebody is coming 'round, it is incredibly difficult for me to work because I'm waiting for this interruption - even the children's comings and goings are interruptions. Cake-making is a good way of coming out of that space.
Yet I know that good is coming to me—that good is always coming; though few have at all times the simplicity and the courage to believe it. What we call evil, is the only and best shape, which, for the person and his condition at the time, could be assumed by the best good. And so, FAREWELL.
I'm a person who's coming New York because of the magnetism of the people. I'm not coming because of expectations. I'm coming here because it's a very natural way of sharing. That's the reason. And also friends - I love to be with people I can't meet in Warsaw.
the rain is coming. little sister, the night broke. the thunder cracked my brain finally. the rain is coming, i promise you. i didn’t mean to but your tears will bring life back. purple flowers grow, the colour blood looks in the veins. they’ll sprout out of my chest. i promise you they’ll crack the ground, grow over the freeways, down the slopes to the sea. i’ll be in their faces. i’ll be in the waves, coming down from the sky. i’ll be inside the one who holds you. and then i won’t be.
There is definitely global warming, and man is definitely contributing to it. Go out to, say, Montana and talk to some pretty conservative people, hunters and fishermen. They know that in the trout stream they fished when they were growing up, the trout are stressed because the water temperature is going up. They know the hunting season has been delayed because the snows are coming later, and therefore the elk aren't coming down from the mountains.
My vision of coming to Manchester United is that I'm at one of the best clubs in the world, for me, the best club in England.
It's like coming back to the womb. I'm coming back to my mum and it's wonderful to see her. It's the best space in the world. If it wasn't for this place I don't know what I'd have done with my life.
Just hearing somebody's voice in center field, it helps our guards out to know where they need to go, when the screen is coming, when the back door is coming, when the flare is coming. When different things like that happen and we're talking, it helps us all out in the long run.
Because America doesn't have a strong textile industry anymore, we have to bring things like fabrics, zippers, and color tape into the U.S., and having so many elements involved in production adds to the amount of waste. You might have some things coming from Italy, a button coming from China, or lining coming from Korea; it's just endless.
Being champion is just priceless. I'm not trying to sound arrogant or anything but being Olympic champ, you have every country coming together and competing. Doing what they do best, getting awards, money. Coming together and competing in the most competitive way possible with the best from all these different countries on Earth and winning. To me that's priceless.
I could have been, and may one day well be a high school English teacher, because I've been given so much I just feel like I have to give something back. The fact that some people consider my work to be good or strong, it's nice, but I know in my heart that if it's not coming - oftentimes it's probably not coming from the best place.
When I was coming up the DC Improv was considered the best Improv out there. It's always been high quality stuff coming out of there.
Oh, Al, shut up! Stop criticizing me! First I'm criticized for being a prude and sounding like a social worker or something, then I'm criticized for looking like a cheap broad. How am I supposed to live? Under the water or something, coming up only to say 'I beg your pardon if I disturb you by coming up for air. I'll do my best to remain submerged.'
We're coming with a mighty force to end the reign of your oppressors. We are coming to bring you food and medicine and a better life. And we are coming and we will not stop, we will not relent until your country is free.
I found the source of global warming is coming from the hot air coming out of Washington.
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