A Quote by Rose Leslie

I'm doing a bit of theatre: I'm doing a Mike Bartlett play called 'Contractions.' I'm very, very happy and lucky to be going back to the stage. — © Rose Leslie
I'm doing a bit of theatre: I'm doing a Mike Bartlett play called 'Contractions.' I'm very, very happy and lucky to be going back to the stage.
When you watch one person on stage trying to surmount their fate only in that very action to embody it, it's called a tragedy. When you see a lot of people doing it on stage, it's called 'Fawlty Towers.'
I love making music and performing for my fans, and I want to be happy and doing what I love still. I'm not taking a moment of this for granted, and if I'm lucky I'll be able to keep doing this. I love it. I'm very happy.
I'm lucky in that I can't see myself doing an office job every day. I'm lucky that I can play my sport and go around the world without too much to worry about outside that. I think it's good to be happy with what you're doing.
I'm doing a film called 'Black Mass' where I play James Bulger. The reason to play him is obvious to me. He's a fascinating character. It's not like anything I've done before on that level. I'm very excited to slide into that skin for a little bit.
I'm thinking of doing more theatre. It makes me very happy.
I fired Mike Flynn because of what he said to Mike Pence, very simple. Mike was doing his job, calling countries and his counterparts, so it certainly would have been ok with me if he did it.
I'm very lucky to be doing what I'm doing, and the reason I'm doing everything is because of fans.
My interest in words and literature is always changing. And every day of work is different, and it doesn't feel laborious in the way that, say, washing dishes did. I'm quite happy to be doing what I'm doing, and I feel very lucky.
Live theatre is great. I loved doing the League live because you get that element of spontaneity, but then when I'm doing live I start to crave the precision of filming. It's a different discipline; it's like a scalpel and you're very precise suddenly. It's scary as well because you think this is it, this is my one go at making it if I can the best it can be, because this is how it's going to be remembered and rendered and left on this film indelibly. And people are going to look back on this and that's that.
People who have never done theatre before, and have only worked in front of a camera, would find it very difficult, I think, to know how to command a stage and work with the logistics of being on stage. They're very different. The theatre is quite tricky, actually.
Mike had called me and said he could offer me less, and I said, "You're on!" Because I was really excited with what Mike Kelly was doing, and now what Cullen Murphy is doing with Atlantic. It's a really cool magazine.
There's something about doing theatre in London - it sinks a little bit deeper into your soul as an actor. It's something about the tradition of theatre, about performing on the West End stage.
As my passion is theatre when I do a film I'm taking time out from my theatre career. So, I'm desperate to get back into the theatre. So, I have to make sure that I put my foot down, especially with the agents and stuff, and say: "Hey no, I'm doing some theatre!" It is hard but it matters so much to me that it's just something that's going to be necessary and people will have to deal with it.
You had actors that came from live theatre and it felt like you're doing a play. Every time we did a three or four minute walk-and-talk in the West Wing, the exhilaration of going on stage would be a part of it.
The idea of doing theatre always terrified me because I get terrible stage fright. In the early 1970s I was offered a panto but the thought of going on stage was just too mortifying.
I allowed myself to think if I could be doing anything in the world, what would I be doing? And what came to mind is I'd be traveling a little bit, I'd be going to classes and I'd be going back to school.
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