A Quote by Rosie O'Donnell

We really did. We got married. — © Rosie O'Donnell
We really did. We got married.
I vowed I wouldn't get married until someone gave me one good reason to. No one ever did - but I got married anyway.
We shouldn't have got married, really. Shouldn't have got married. Too young. Not ready for it.
When I did get married, and specifically after I got married and the New York Times style section featured my wedding in the vows column, which is really traditionally kind of seen as an elitist column, and it is, but I was happy to be in it. I thought it was good that they were covering a feminist wedding.
I'm sure I acted differently after I got married, I know I did. But... people get married and things change. It doesn't mean that the band has to break up.
We got married drunk in Vegas . . . We dated for a year, and we got married at a drive-through chapel in a cab. [We thought] you have to go down to the courthouse and sign papers and stuff, so who knew? We were married, and apparently now that [Rob] is getting married for real, his lawyer dug up something.
I got married and I had children because of the Second World War, as all of us did, exclaiming, 'Oh, no, we are never going to bring a child into this wicked world,' but we had children by the dozen and got married.
You don't really need to get married, but marriage is awfully nice. Everybody I know who got married, they say it really makes a difference. They feel very, very happy about it.
When I was young, no one got married. Now, all the young people, they want to get married, they want security. Now that my children's friends are getting married, I go to more weddings than I ever did when I was young.
When I got married and when my sister got married, my mom made us both individual cooking books with all of our family recipes and pictures and kind of the history with our Sicilian family, so that was really special.
A lot of people think that I and Debina met while filming for 'Ramayan,' and then we got married in 2011. Very few know that when we were nothing, we weren't actors, we were only looking for work - we were just 19 and 20 years old, we eloped and got married, in 2006. We did not tell our parents.
I married her after knowing her eight days, and I was happy. That was my baby. At the same time, with us being so spontaneous, we did it backwards. Maybe she won't admit it, but I will. We should have got to know each other and then got married. The relationship kind of dissolved, but we're still going to be friends. I love her.
I got married young, far too young, but it is fine. We are still married 48 years later. I got married at 19.
I've got five kids and I'm married, Tommy's got two kids and he's been married, Vince just got married again, Mick's out of a relationship, Tommy's single as well. We've done a lot in our life, we've covered a lot of miles.
When [ Paul Johnson] got to me he was in trouble, because I'm an old-fashioned conservative: married when I was 21, stayed married, 3 kids, live in the suburbs, no scandals, so nothing to write about. So what he did is concoct one of the nuttiest claims I've ever seen.
When we got married, we kind of kept it quiet because everybody was saying, 'Oh, Mickey and Minnie got married.'
The cardinal rule for any performer is that they should know themselves before they enter the spotlight, and I didn't. I was just Neil and I did what I was supposed to do. I was supposed to get married, so I got married. I was supposed to get a job, so I looked for work.
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