A Quote by Ross Douthat

I think you can see a clear link between certain kinds of Christian nationalism and support for Trump. Then, I also think that Trump is benefiting from the weakening of religious participation. He's winning evangelicals who aren't in church.
Trump's blatant racism and demonization of Muslims, Mexicans, and immigrants also serves as a foil for white evangelicals. By othering these groups, Trump allows evangelicals to persist in their belief that white Anglo-saxon Protestantism is the default for true American Christianity and is best suited to lead America as a 'Christian Nation.'
I think Donald Trump now thinks it`s time for Jeff Sessions to resign. There was a reporting that suggested that when Trump first voiced his exasperation with Sessions, that Sessions made it clear to Trump that if Trump wanted his resignation, he would offer it. It seems to me now Trump is sending a pretty clear signal that what he wants is Jeff Sessions to resign, and it`s also pretty clear to me he`s now at war with everyone in the world of justice and law enforcement in the administration.
Whatever happened to Trump Airlines? How about Trump University? And then there's Trump Magazine and Trump Vodka and Trump Steaks, and Trump Mortgage? A business genius he [Donald Trump] is not.
I don't think there's any difference in the two Donald Trumps. Maybe I didn't make this clear. I don't think Trump's different in Washington than he is there. The difference is you don't have anybody tweeting. The Trump in Washington compared to the Trump in Middle east trip, what's the difference? The Trump in Washington is filtered by the media.
Donald Trump doesn't think that he's deficient. Trump doesn't think that he's lacking. Trump doesn't think he needs advisers to tell him what he thinks. Trump is supremely, eminently confident.
The [Hillary] Clinton campaign posted a pretty clever online quiz that makes a similar point with the Republican presidential field. Who said it? Donald Trump or not Donald Trump? For example, quote, "I mean you can prove you are a Christian. You can`t prove it, then you err on the side of caution." That was not Donald Trump. It was this guy, who strongly denounced Trump`s proposed Muslim ban but supports a religious test for refugees.
I am a practicing Catholic, not an evangelical Christian, but in 2016 I stood with millions of evangelicals who decided that Donald Trump would be the best person to fight for our religious liberty.
I think that's why Donald Trump continues to enjoy evangelical support. They're not endorsing necessarily his lifestyle. What they're saying is this is a binary choice between one candidate, Donald Trump - who is pro-life, pro-religious liberty, pro-conservative justices of the Supreme Court - and another candidate, Hillary Clinton, who has an opposite view on all of those issues.
Donald Trump has no design to transform America. Donald Trump doesn't think America is second-rate. Donald Trump doesn't think America's guilty. Donald Trump doesn't think America owes people things. Donald Trump doesn't think that the borders are to be wide open so that anybody who wants here can come here because we've screwed them at some time in the past.
I think it's more than bank records. I think that you can see that visits, you know, to Moscow were made during the campaign by Paul Manafort and others. I think that there was a cooperation in developing strategy about how Russians could ensure that Hillary Clinton was not elected. They need Donald Trump. Trump will be there to support lifting those sanctions. That's what they really want to happen.
Why do evangelicals support Trump? It could be because he amplified his religious messaging on the campaign trail by saying that women who get abortions should be punished and that he's not in favor of same sex marriage.
People that support Donald Trump are gonna circle the wagons around Trump even more so after this. This isn't gonna cause Catholics or other Christians to say, "Oh, my God, the pope, oh, no, pope says Trump's not a Christian. I gotta abandon Trump." No. It isn't gonna happen that way, I don't believe.
Americans are an "almost chosen people," which is meant to suggest that there are clear parallels, literal, theological and everything else, between the American story and the Old Testament story of Israel and then the broader story of the Christian church. It's OK to recognize the parallels. It's OK to invoke them. But, you have to keep that "almost" in front of the "chosen." You can't go all the way and say, "America is Israel, America is the Church." That's where I think patriotism shades into, what I call, the heresy of nationalism.
There are people who think that Trump's base was created by Steve Bannon - they are Alt-Right white nationalists and so forth - and that if Bannon ever turned on Trump, that everybody that voted for Trump would abandon Trump if Bannon leaves. I think that's just so much BS, I can't tell you, and so does people who voted for Trump.
In the past, candidates' performances of 'Christianity' have been strong points for voters, but Trump's ascendancy with evangelicals has eviscerated that expectation. Evangelicals, like other voters, can be very pragmatic about the issues they want addressed by the leadership they support.
We don't know for a fact that Donald Trump did. We only think we know because it's been reported by how many unconfirmed, anonymous sources? Two scoops of ice cream, Trump's so selfish, guests only get one. The contrast is stark. Trump on this trip and the Trump in Washington. My contention is that Trump is Trump. What's different is the reporting.
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