A Quote by Roy H. Williams

Everyone is broken a little, I think, and the most broken of all are those who pretend they are not. — © Roy H. Williams
Everyone is broken a little, I think, and the most broken of all are those who pretend they are not.
Broken bottles, broken plates, broken switches, broken gates. Broken dishes, broken parts, streets are filled with broken hearts.
All of those broken bones in northern Japan, all of those broken lives and those broken homes prompt us to remember what in calmer times we are invariably minded to forget: the most stern and chilling of mantras, which holds, quite simply, that mankind inhabits this earth subject to geological consent - which can be withdrawn at any time.
You think you're being broken but you're really being broken open...and that's where the healing happens, in those broken places...if you'll allow it.
Everybody knows something's broken in the world. But illogically, foolishly, we are looking for fixes from broken people with broken ideas in broken places.
In true love there is no heart break. A broken heat means broken demands, broken expectations and broken hopes.
It's the notion that there is no perfection - that there is a broken world and we live with broken hearts and broken lives but still there is no alibi for anything. On the contrary, you have to stand up and say hallelujah under those circumstances.
This world is full of broken things: broken hearts, broken promises, broken people.
Broken people give broken love. And we are all a little broken. You just have to forgive and sew up the wounds love delivers, and move on.
Though we may feel we are "like a broken vessel," as the Psalmist says (Psalms 31:12), we must remember, that vessel is in the hands of the divine potter. Broken minds can be healed just the way broken bones and broken hearts are healed. While God is at work making those repairs, the rest of us can help by being merciful, nonjudgmental, and kind.
I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken - and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived.
I think the system is broken; most people think that it's broken. And we think that what we're going to do is invigorate the political system and allow for this country to be turned around.
Everyone is broken; every mortal man or woman is broken in some way, shape, or form.
Brokenness is the operative issue of our time - broken souls, broken hearts, broken places.
Let me tell you something: You can live in a broken home, you can play with a broken toy, but you cannot love with a broken heart.
Beyond politics, the West is suffering from what can be called a crisis of brokenness - broken institutions, broken families and broken souls.
If you cloned JFK and Abraham Lincoln and made them president it wouldn't matter. Our system is just too corrupt and too broken. I think that science is corrupt and broken. I think health and nutrition. I think the economic systems, the international relations, the environment, everything, the engines of everything are broken.
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