A Quote by Royce Gracie

Like when I fought Akebono - six foot eight, 490 pounds. Before the fight, everyone's like 'Man, you're crazy. You're out of your mind. How are you going to fight a guy that big, there's no way you can take him down. You cannot punch him out. You're out of your mind.' After the fight, everybody was like 'Oh come on, he's big and fat.' Really?
This is what I tell, especially young women, fight the big fights. Don't fight the little fight... Be the first one in, be the last one out. Do your homework, choose your battles. Don't whine, and don't be the one who complains about everything. Fight the big fight.
Man, I'm gonna tell you something about Evander Holyfield, when he fights a guy like me and I fight I guy like him, we always bring the best out of each other so by no means should anyone out there ever think that a fight like that is a cake walk because it's not.
I don't like to have a strategy going into a fight. If he has a good right hand or a good kick or good submissions then I'll try to avoid that, but I like to be in a fight and I like to go into the fight. Even in jiu-jitsu I didn't think of pulling this guy into guard or take him down because I like to go into the fight and see what happens.
For girls it raises your testosterone, so I try to have as much sex as possible before I fight actually. Not with like everybody, I don't put out like a Craigslist ad or anything, but if I got a steady I'm going to be like 'yo, fight time's coming up.
My favorite fight was when I fought Rampage. I always wanted to fight Rampage because of the way he fights. It's about pride. The way he comes forward. My friends in Brazil would always tell me they wanted me to fight Rampage. When I fought him, it was a big deal for me. It was the first big fight I was in. It was a great fight.
Pacquiao earned the right to go out how he wants to go out. He had fought everybody there is to fight - when they was there to fight. He fought all the top names. Eight-division champion. He accomplished everything there is to do in the sport of boxing.
I fought some guy who looked like Steven Seagal, some aikido guy or something. The fight's not even on my record, I don't remember his name. My dad was there at the fight and he said he blinked and he missed the fight, so I think I finished him fast or something. I forgot all about that fight.
You fought fair. If the other guy wants to fight and you knocked him out, you did your best for him. You didn't want to hurt him any more.
When Elkins came forward I was absolutely ecstatic. It's a massive fight. Realistically he doesn't need to take this fight, but he did - good on him. I've got a lot of respect for him, but I think this is a very dangerous fight for him. Again, he's a grinder, he wears people down, but I don't wear out, especially when I'm in good condition.
I want to fight Cormier, that's been a fight I've been trying to get forever. I can go in there and take him down. I can threaten him in ways he hasn't been threatened. I don't think he's fought a wrestler like me.
When you fight, you don't fight for abstract values like the flag, or the nation, or democracy. You fight for your buddy. You fight to keep him alive, and he fights to keep you alive, and you go on that way, day after day, battle after battle. And when one of your buddies dies, something inside you dies as well. But you go on. You fight, so that his death isn't meaningless, his sacrifice isn't for nothing.
When you're walking out to the cage and fighting a guy like Vitor Belfort and you've got the crowd going crazy, most people would lose the fight right there and then. Since I've fought in a crowd that crazy and wild, I feel that nothing else is going to be like that.
What you do in a fight gym is learn how to be brave. You're learning how to punch and kick in a proper way, of course, but above all else, a fighter is someone who's got courage, who's dead game in a fight. Most guys don't come into the world that way. You learn to be brave through that process of getting your fear and timidity beaten out of you night after night after night.
Fighting, to me, seems barbaric. I don't really like it. I enjoy out-thinking another man and out-maneuvering him, but I still don't like to fight.
A boy is a magical creature you can lock him out of your workshop, but you can't lock him out of your heart. You can get him out of your study, but you can't get him out of your mind. Might as well give up he is your captor, your jailer, your boss and your master a freckled-faced, pint-sized, cat-chasing bundle of noise. But when you come home at night with only the shattered pieces of your hopes and dreams, he can mend them like new with two magic words Hi, Dad!
I've been in a lot of big fights, so I can't psyche myself out, like, 'Oh, this is a big fight.'
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