A Quote by Rudy Giuliani

I don't think a woman [Hillary Clinton] who has revealed numerous classified information, doesn't know that the letter "C" means confidential. — © Rudy Giuliani
I don't think a woman [Hillary Clinton] who has revealed numerous classified information, doesn't know that the letter "C" means confidential.
Clinton's team used a technology called BleachBit, which is basically acid, and this is going to acid wash her emails. Who would do this? She claims she couldn't recall important information on 39 separate and different occasions. She can't even remember whether she has trained in the use of classified information. And she said she didn't know the letter C means "confidential" or at least "classified." If she can't remember such crucial events and information, honestly, she's totally unfit to be our commander-in-chief, totally unfit.
I didn't investigate Hillary Clinton before she was in office, I started investigated Hillary Clinton's actions after the inspector-general said that there was classified information housed in a non-classified setting.
WikiLeaks released new Clinton campaign e-mails revealing how friendly Hillary [Clinton] was with the attorney general, Loretta Lynch.This was only months prior to Lynch's investigation of Hillary's illegal secret e-mail server that gave foreign governments access to our confidential information.
Only a very small number of the e-mails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information. But even if information is not marked 'classified' in an e-mail, participants who know or should know that the subject matter is classified are still obligated to protect it.
Hillary Clinton knows, as I did know, as my women members know - that a woman being elected to a position, it's not about what it means to that woman. It's not about what it means to Hillary to be the first president. It's about what it means to all of the women in America, that a woman has broken the ultimate marble ceiling and that anything is possible for them and their daughters - and their sons. It's about sons, too.
Hillary [Clinton] has a resume. What is the story in Hillary's resume? Four dead in Benghazi, illegal emails, trafficking in classified information. The media hasn't gone there on that yet because when covering that aspect of Hillary minus [Donald] Trump, the story is the same.
Hillary Clinton was an outstanding secretary of state. She would never intentionally put America in any kind of jeopardy. And what I also know, because I handle a lot of classified information, is that there's classified and then there's classified. There's stuff that is really top secret top secret, and there's stuff that is being presented to the president or the secretary of state that you might not want on the transom or, you know, going out over the wire, but is basically stuff that you could get in open source.
Hillary Clinton is using a private server for - where classified information go by. This is a - this is a serious administration?
When Wikileaks comes out, which I have nothing to do with, they're giving classified information. They're giving information about Hillary [Clinton] cheating on the debates. No one mentions that Hillary received the questions to the debates. Seriously, can you imagine if I received the questions? It would be the electric chair, ok?
Hillary Clinton said there was no marked classified information on her server. The FBI Director said that's untrue.She said that she did not email any classified information. The FBI Director says that's untrue.
Secretary Clinton should be denied access to classified information. Congress must also hold the State Department accountable for fixing the culture of lax handling of classified information.
If my son or your son handled classified information the way that Hillary Clinton did, they'd be court marshaled.
I don`t think Hillary Clinton is going to support any of the things that you stand for if you`re a Republican. I`m going to go fight for the principles and the solutions that I believe in and the candidate that I think is so much more likely to put those into law because I know Hillary Clinton won`t do that. It`s a binary choice. It is either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. You don`t get a third option. It`s one or the other. And I know where I want to go.
My real issue is that the woman [Hillary Clinton] exposed thousands and thousands of classified documents, which, if I exposed one of them when I was in the Justice Department, they would have put me in jail. That's what I know.
Anything but Hillary Clinton. Because I think Hillary Clinton means war.
Listen, I know of nobody -- I don't know of anybody in my administration who leaked classified information. If somebody did leak classified information, I'd like to know it, and we'll take the appropriate action. And this investigation is a good thing.
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