A Quote by Rudyard Kipling

All sensible men are of the same religion, but no sensible man ever tells. — © Rudyard Kipling
All sensible men are of the same religion, but no sensible man ever tells.
"As for that," said Waldenshare, "sensible men are all of the same religion." "Pray, what is that?" inquired the Prince. "Sensible men never tell."
I see that sensible men and conscientious men all over the world were of one religion of well-doing and daring.
Every sensible man, every honorable man, must hold the Christian sect in horror." "Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd and bloody religion that has ever infected the world." "Nothing can be more contrary to religion and the clergy than reason and common sense." "If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities.
Men are men before they are lawyers, or physicians, or merchants, or manufacturers; and if you make them capable and sensible men, they will make themselves capable and sensible lawyers or physicians.
No good opera plot can be sensible, for people do not sing when they are feeling sensible.
Whether something is sensible or not is subjective. What is sensible to me might not be for others.
We'll set our approach to borrowing, to spending, to taxation, in a sensible way on a sensible timescale.
It is all very well for so-called sensible people to recommend flat heels and short skirts, but most of us prefer not to be sensible.
No sensible man ever engages, unprepared, in a fencing match of words with a woman.
No sensible man ever imputes inconsistency to another for changing his minds.
We try to make sensible decisions with the facts in front of us. The problem with sensible decisions is that so is everyone else.
Sensible Catholics have for generations been ignoring the views on contraception held by reactionary old men in the Vatican, but alas, since it is the business of all religious doctrines to keep their votaries in a state of intellectual infancy (how else do they keep absurdities seeming credible?), insufficient numbers of Catholics have been able to be sensible.
I don't want to be the crazy showbiz family. When I walk into the PTA meetings with my sensible flat shoes and my sensible short wig, I do not look crazy.
We have sensible fans and sensible policies.
It is a thing which every sensible American should learn from every sensible Englishman, that glare and glitter, gimcracks and gewgaws, are not indispensable to domestic solacement.
Maybe if I'd studied writing instead of anthropology, I'd be more sensible. You know - pick a genre, follow the rules, stay in the box - but let's face it. Sensible people don't major in anthropology.
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