A Quote by RuPaul

My love life has never been of interest to people. Of course I have a love life; I have a real life outside of show business. — © RuPaul
My love life has never been of interest to people. Of course I have a love life; I have a real life outside of show business.
Show business has always been my life. I love it. I've shared the ups and downs. So it will still be my life. It is a big piece of your life because this is all you know. It just seems like it takes you to such great heights in your life.
I haven't had to do anything outside of show business my whole life. I've never been a waiter. I've only worked and gotten paid. It hasn't been a classic example of someone slogging through the business.
I do take very good care of myself, and I'm always in love. And by that I mean I have an appetite for life. I'm in love with beauty and things and people and love and being in love, and those things I think, on the inside, show on the outside.
Love is life's end, but never ending. Love is life's wealth, never spent, but ever spending. Love's life's reward, rewarded in rewarding.
I have this mistress: show business. I get a lot of love and adulation from outside, and [my wife] lets me have that, while she does all the real-life stuff that counts ? making sure the kids are going to school and all that. I married a saint ? well, a saint who curses.
Last question. Why do you love Della? - Braden Until Della walked into my life I didn’t understand the idea of love. I had never been in love and experienced very little love in my life. But I’d seen it once -Woods
I think the most important thing is to leave people inspired to do something, to realize their purpose in life. I want people to show love to each other. What I love about performing live, and especially in smaller intimate venues, is the real connection you have with the fans that you can't get in a studio or a big arena. It allows me to have real moments with my fans. I just want the night to be filled with good energy, love, and for people to leave the show happy.
Dude, I love playing drums, and I love being on stage, and I love recording. It's my life... it's been my life, all my life, and I don't think it could ever become boring for me.
I've never been unfaithful outside 'Made In Chelsea.' I don't care what the reputation looks like. I was unfaithful on that television show because it's a show about that. I'm not saying it was acceptable behavior, but the show wouldn't work without relationships failing. In real life it's completely different.
I realized that I was connected to Africa. I wasn't just a Colored girl. I was part of a whole world that wanted a better life. I'm part of a majority and not a minority. My life has been a life of growth. If you're not growing, you're not going to understand real love. If you're not reaching out to help others then you're shrinking. My life has been active. I'm not a spectator
Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it. Bitterness paralyzes life; love empowers it. Bitterness sours life; love sweetens it. Bitterness sickens life; love heals it. Bitterness blinds life; love anoints its eyes.
Much as we complain about our condition or feel victimized by fortune or fellow humans, we simply love being alive. We love life in others and in ourselves. We are in love with life. To love life is to love the activities of which it consists and to hope for more.
I think love isn't doomed, of course, but in real life, love doesn't always work out.
[Show] business is tough. You never know who or what's real. It's tough when you get in this business, if you have no grounded foundation other than Hollywood, because this business isn't real. We're getting paid to do what we love, but it isn't real.
No matter what's going on in life, I can emerge myself into a game and I love it. Outside of my family, it's the love of my life.
?"The Most difficult thing but an essential one – is to love Life, to love it even while one suffers, because Life is all, Life is God, and to love Life means to love God.
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