A Quote by Rush Limbaugh

Despite everything, Trump remains what he's always been, an outsider who is completely not just underestimated, but misunderstood by all of those in Washington who are still trying to find a way to plug him into their system, and that's never gonna work out. They're never gonna understand him if that's how they approach it.
There may be some who wish that he would have taken the occasion to first comment on the Brexit vote, but they're not going to abandon him. They're not gonna let the media do it. Romney people? The media could separate his supporters from him, but they can't from Trump. They don't understand this yet. They think one of these times when they do a trick like this it's gonna work and they're gonna be able to really harm [Donald] Trump.
The more success [Donald] Trump has, the greater the energy poured into opposing him is gonna be. If you are thinking that at some point in these next four years that the opposition to Trump is going to lay down arms, so to speak, and join him, that's never gonna happen.
Everybody dealing with Trump is making the big mistake of trying to plug Trump into the age-old political handbook. Trump's not part of that. You don't deal with Trump in the standard, political handbook way on policy and issues and things like that. That's not the way to separate Trump supporters from Trump. It isn't gonna work.
The reason I feel bad for Steve Kloves is because he doesn't enjoy cutting things out. He's not sitting there with scissors, just laughing maniacally, going, "Ahahaha." He doesn't like doing it. The stories mean so much to him. But it had to go. And David kept saying, "We're gonna try, we're gonna try, we're gonna try" all the way into the shoot until the very last days, when he said, "Sorry, it's just not gonna work."
A lot of unpredictable things happened in the Republican party, but I think the notion that we're gonna demonize Donald Trump or we're gonna mischaracterize him is completely unfair.
Forget nerds on Facebook. You're never gonna persuade 'em. They're never gonna like Donald Trump. They're always gonna razz you about it. They're losers. Do not allow your happiness to be determined and defined by what these people on Facebook say.
Even if Donald Trump wins, the establishment's not gonna go down a hole. The establishment's not gonna slink away in defeat. The establishment is gonna look at this as one inexperienced buffoon who happened to get elected versus all of them who know the ropes inside and out of Washington, and they're gonna make it their objective to deny this guy anything and everything that represents anything he campaigned on.
Trump base is solid, and there's nothing the media can do to break it. There's not a single thing they can do. They are never gonna give that up, either. They are doing everything they can to split up Trump supporters from Trump. Only Trump can do that. The media didn't make Trump and, as I repeatedly say, they can't bust him.
If we just stand at two opposite ends of the spectrum screaming in each other's face, we're never gonna get anything done. I don't agree with a Trump voter, but why do they feel like that? Yes, some of those people are racist and have hateful opinions, but some of those people voted for him because they felt completely left behind.
Sometimes you feel all alone. You come out of a meeting, and something sexist has been said to you: That movie will never be made with that female lead. And you think, 'How am I ever gonna get another job?' When you hear other women having the same experiences, it makes you feel like, 'Well, I'm gonna keep going, and we're gonna fight this system.'
Donald Trump gets things done. That's all there is, getting things done, accomplishing objectives. And you watch. The reaction to Trump is, "We can't do it that way. This is not the way we do it. That's not the way it's always been done." It's almost cliched, but that is what I expect is gonna happen, and the Democrats, I think, are gonna end up falling even flatter on their face than they have to date because they still are living in a state denial.
Two different styles of leadership. LeBron, very encouraging, bringing everybody along, and Kobe, he's testing you, seeing what you gonna give him. If he gonna get at you, he gonna scream at you, he gonna cuss, he gonna do whatever it is. He had his own way of leading guys as well. It's two different sides. I'm just blessed to see both of them.
Have you noticed that every one of these candidates for Presidency say: "Barack Obama's weak, Vladimir Putin's kicking sand in his face. When I talk to Putin, he's gonna straighten out. Just looking at him I'm gonna - he's gonna be - " and then it turns out they can't handle a bunch of CNBC moderators at a debate. I don't think the Chinese and the Russians are gonna be too worried about you.
Trump is considered to be an outsider. The establishment doesn't want any part of Trump. They don't want him to succeed. And I would throw some Republicans in that as well. It's just the way Washington works.
I'd like to say that Muslims are never in violence with white people. It's the black man who love you. See, you don't let him in your toilet, you don't let him in your restroom, you don't let him marry your daughter, you gotta fight. So, we're not gonna be botherin' you, you understand. Muslims don't come in, we don't have no trouble with you. It's just the integrator.
We've gotta cut this country down to size and people here need to find out what it's like what we've done to people around the world, and that's not who we are. And [Donald] Trump is coming along saying those days are over; we are the solution, we are going, our system of government, we are gonna promote it, we are gonna promote our way of life around the world as the best in the world.
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