A Quote by Rush Limbaugh

There are a lot of people - and I'm not talking about elected Democrats - there are a lot of your fellow citizens - you don't know them, you don't know where they are - but there's many more of them than you know and realize, and they revel in all of this. They love the chaos. They love the majority being disturbed, bothered, shaken up by it.
A lot of times, when doing the paranormal research and doing an investigation, you don't know what you're going to encounter. You don't know what you're going to come up against. People have to realize that we don't know them and they don't know us. I'm talking about the people that live in the homes. Sometimes you don't know what you're going to encounter, what type of situation you're going to walk into.
Have you ever felt a potential love for someone? Like, you don't actually love them and you know you don't, but you know you could. You realise that you could easily fall in love with them. It's almost like the bud of a flower, ready to blossom but it's just not quite there yet. And you like them a lot, you really do. You think about them often, but you don't love them. You could, though. You know you could.
I'm not a writer. I know a lot of writers; I know a handful of really excellent, great ones, and I know what they're like. They are in love with language. They're obsessed with it. Even if their thoughts aren't more special than anybody else's, they have a way of putting them into words that makes them sensational.
People always say, 'Do you get bothered by what people say or blog or write about you?' I only do if I know them. If I know them, and I have a relationship with them and they write that, then that would surprise me a lot. Usually the people writing the negative stuff don't know me at all.
You never know what's going to happen so just enjoy the moments that you have with the people you love and cherish them. Let them know that you love them and how much you appreciate them being in your life.
Before a game, you know, I can take off my helmet, run over there and spend a few moments with someone who is dealing with so much more than I've ever had to deal with and to love on them and care about them and in front of thousands and thousands of people, you know, let them know that they're more important than all of this.
To you who are parents, I say, show love to your children. You know you love them, but make certain they know it as well. They are so precious. Let them know. Call upon our Heavenly Father for help as you care for their needs each day and as you deal with the challenges which inevitably come with parenthood. You need more than your own wisdom in rearing them.
Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera are doing pretty well at getting noticed - a lot of people are doing pretty well at it. But you wonder whether they'll last, because many of them don't have the ability to get an audience to love them. You say, "That's a fabulous body" or "I like that song"; you don't say, "I love them because I know them." You can't know them.
You love your work. God help you, you love it! And thats the curse. That's the brand on your forehead for all of them to see. You love it and they know it, and they know they have you. Do you ever look at the people in the street? Aren't you afraid of them? I am. They move past you and they wear hats and they carry bundles. But that's not the substance of them. The substance of them is hatred for any man who loves his work. That's the only kind they fear. I don't know why
There's a lot of people I know who have a lot of synthesisers and they don't really know anything about them, they know the specifications and everything, but they don't really get to know them.
I know the American people. I've met a lot of them. I've met a lot more of them than any columnist has, or any talking head on TV has. And they're pretty sophisticated.
As this VP discovered, being a boss is much like being a high-status primate in any group: the creatures beneath you in the pecking order watch every move you make – and so they know a lot more about you than you know about them.
People are starting to think about let's let a lot of people come in from Syria, even though we know nothing about them, who they are, et cetera, et cetera. But they do have cellphones. And they do have ISIS flags on some of those cellphones. And you say, what are we doing? I don't know if you know but a lot of the cellphones had the ISIS flag on them. And we let them into our country.
I love Tom Petty the way a lot of people love him. He's got so many amazing songs, and you know them by heart. They're classics.
CBT is really a miracle. I've seen it help a lot of people, and one of the reasons I'm speaking out is that I don't feel like enough people know it. Through my work, I constantly come across other people who have various forms of anxiety or panic - it's much more common, I think, than people realize - and not all of them even really know about CBT.
I really, really love to move. You know what I mean? I mean, it's not a workout, but I absolutely love to do it, and that's performing, which is very close to doing Zumba. When you're onstage and you're moving everything, every single part of your body, it's actually working and active to the tips of your fingers. You're burning a hell of a lot of calories. And I think that's what people always look forward to - they want to know how many calories they've burned, and it's really important to actually know that and know your nutrition even more.
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