A Quote by Rush Limbaugh

After eight years of [Barack Obama], look what happened in this election. Did the country flip again? No. I maintain it didn't flip in 2008-2009, and we were not a 60% radical leftist population like they tried to portray it as.
If during the eight years of [Barack] Obama they won and they had converted this country into this radical, leftist, extremist culture and country, and if that was the trend, and if that's what Obama's elections meant, then how is it that the Democrat Party, which is the home of all of that, has lost 1,200 seats since Obama's second year in office?
Has everybody forgotten the media, the Democrat drumbeat for the last eight years prior to Barack Obama's immaculation? Where were the complaints about negativity then? I mean, in the last eight years prior to 2008, we had a political party in this country rooting for America to lose at war.
I think we were naive during the first two years of the [Barack] Obama Administration because the Republicans didn't fight us on this point during the 2008 Presidential Election. Obama and McCain both ran on a clean energy platform. But now, uncontested lies have eroded hard-won public understanding. So, we have to go back and make the case again.
Look what's happened to Barack Obama over the last two years or George Bush for eight. It's a blood sport. But at some point, I may feel the need to run for office again.
Look what's happened to Barack Obama over the last two years or George Bush for eight. It's a blood sport. But at some point I may feel the need to run for office again.
I supported Barack Obama. I wasn't very quiet about my support. I thought he was going to be a refreshing change to George Bush. But what has happened is that we have an election that's become a single-issue election, and that issue is Barack Obama. And he's an icon to both sides.
Robert Kirkman can't bear it when I wear flip-flops. He takes pictures of my flip-flops and keeps sending them to me, like, 'What are you doing? Rick Grimes is not a flip-flop kind of guy.'
After eight years of Barack Obama and one crazy election, we almost got it wrong. We came this close. But then we remembered who we were. Then we remembered what America was. Then we confronted our challenges and embraced our opportunities. And because we did what needed to be done in 2016, our children became the freest and most prosperous Americans that ever lived.
In 2008, conservatives ridiculed the Left for its adulation of Barack Obama, only to succumb to their own cult of personality eight years later.
[Barack] Obama still is in campaign mode. The Limbaugh Theorem explains it. We've had eight years of Obama and he still isn't being held accountable for the horrible policies that he has implemented because he continues to portray himself as not attached to them.
After Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election, I was heartened to see him issue an Open Government Initiative on his first full day in office.
In 2008, Barack Obama had all the wind at his back, everything going for him. He was an African-American at a time when the country was eager to do that. The Republicans had, in the view of many of us, pretty much disgraced themselves at home and abroad for eight years.
For eight years Republicans worked around the clock to delegitimize Bill Clinton. For the next eight years, Democrats tried to delegitimize Bush. Now Barack Obama is enduring the rage of his conservative opposition.
In terms of what happened to Amy [Schumer], if that happened to me I would be like, "Yes, please leave." But I toured a lot. I started as an opening feature act touring a lot during the [George W.] Bush years, like around 2007. I was touring during the [Barack] Obama election - the first one with [Sarah] Palin and [John] McCain - and I talked to crowds about that and they were always split down the middle.
We`re seeing point to something that`s happened over the last eight years during the [Barack] Obama presidency, and that is the Democratic electorate over the last eight years has gotten a lot more liberal.
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