A Quote by Rush Limbaugh

Have you ever noticed the Democrats always set the agenda? Whatever the Democrats say they want, that's just what's gonna happen. There's no questioning the policy! — © Rush Limbaugh
Have you ever noticed the Democrats always set the agenda? Whatever the Democrats say they want, that's just what's gonna happen. There's no questioning the policy!
I can't see the Democrats working with Donald Trump on tax reform unless the rich get soaked. The thing about this that should be worrisome is that if this alliance happens, if they're not bluffing, if they're serious, and if my scenario gets close, it's not gonna be the Democrats adopting Trump's agenda. It's gonna be the other way around.
Admittedly, no Republican can get elected statewide in California anymore, but nor can what we think of as, nationally, the Democratic Party. There are no Joe Bidens running; it is not working-class Democrats vs. liberal Democrats, or whatever their division is these days. It is Hispanic Democrats vs. Asian Democrats.
Remember, the Democrats want illegal migrants as voters. The Democrats need a permanent underclass. Donald Trump is looking at all of this. Every bit of his agenda as aimed at making America great again. It's not just a slogan with him.
We have always had, remember, small groups of both parties that split off. There were the "blue dog Democrats." There were the "Dixie Democrats." Democrats were never going to, ever again, pull together.
The Democrats were crushed in the midterm elections. The Republican juggernaut pounded the Democrats, and the pundits say they will not really know what happened to the Democrats until they find the black box.
The Democrats - Democrats on board, the Congress said tax policy.But their tax policy was pretty bad, that added $800 billion to the deficit.
When the Democrats are attacked for [inciting class warfare] they shrink back. They don't say what obviously should be said, "Yes, there is class warfare. There has always been class warfare in this country." The reason the Democrats shrink back is because the Democrats and the Republicans are on the same side of the class war. They have slightly different takes. The Democrats are part of the upper class that is more willing to make concessions to the lower class in order to maintain their power.
The Republican Party has bent over backwards not even criticizing Democrats in hopes that people wouldn't think they're what the Democrats say they are, while the Democrats go out and behave that way times ten all the time every day and never get called on it.
What the Democrats have done is tell the poor and the middle class that the Democrats are looking out for 'em. Democrats are gonna get even with those rich people. They're gonna get there, and they're gonna have theirs taken away. They're gonna lose theirs, and you're supposed to feel good about that. You, who are poor or middle class, are supposed to feel happy, not because you have any more than you had. You're supposed to be happy because the rich that you hate have finally been screwed like you think you were screwed.
I've noticed that some Democrats, who seldom mention their faith or maybe never mention their faith, will seize on to a phrase that Pope Francis may have said, and they want to attach themselves to that agenda. Political opportunists is what they are.
I come from a democratic world. My world is moderate Democrats, Reagan-type Democrats if you want, the blues or whatever you call them, the Blue Dogs. That's been my world, historically.
I think Donald Trump is gonna continue to unravel as much of the Barack Obama agenda as he can, and I think he's gonna continue to wipe the floor with Democrats wherever he can.
The Democrats are as much a part of the war machine as the Republicans. We can't let Democrats get off the hook because they're Democrats.
This is exactly the kind of thing that Trump supporters are fed up with about the Republican Party, how easy it is for so many in the Republican Party to sell out the party and join the Democrats - or not sell out the party, but stay within the party and advance the Democrats' agenda, be it with amnesty and immigration, abortion, who knows whatever it is.
They didn't want Donald Trump to win. They didn't think he was gonna win. They never thought they would be in this position. They may not even like being in this position because they don't want this kind of pressure on 'em. They don't want to have to move his agenda. The Republicans in Washington are identical with the Democrats when it comes to the big issue, and that's immigration. Both parties want amnesty.
That's Donald Trump negotiating position. "Okay. If we can't vote to repeal Obamacare, I'm standing by and I'm letting it die. I'm letting it implode. I'm gonna let it fail, and it's on the Democrats, and I'll make sure everybody knows it's on the Democrats. I am not gonna own this sucker. It isn't mine. I had nothing to do with it. I've engaged in good-faith efforts to fix this and people aren't interested."
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