A Quote by Rush Limbaugh

Even though Donald Trump has won, even though Hillary Clinton has been vanquished, even though the left has suffered defeat after defeat after defeat, the Drive-By Media is still there, and they're still acting as they always do. They are setting the agenda. They are setting the narrative, establishing it, and they are determining what everybody talks about.
We know from this book entitled... What is it? Surrendered? Succumbed? I can never remember the title perform. And we learn from this book that 24 hours after the election, the Hillary Clinton campaign decided to blame their defeat on the Russians colluding with Trump to affect the outcome of the election. And that allegation ends up being taken so seriously by so many supposedly rational people that now even so-called Republicans are talking about impeaching Donald Trump.
There is no defeat unless one loses God, and then all is defeat, though it be housed in castles and buried in fortunes.
Even though you can't expect to defeat the absurdity of the world, you must make that attempt.
Even though we are deceived, still believe. Though we are betrayed, still forgive. Love completely even those who hate you.
People talk about the pain of defeat, but I think defeat has a lot of value. I think the wound of victory can be even more damaging than defeat. Very few people really know how to win.
[Donald Trump] has said that very consistently [about border], the contrast with Hillary Clinton, who supports amnesty, open borders, who wants to implement executive amnesty again on day one, even though the Supreme Court of the United States rejected it, and Hillary Clinton, who wants to increase refugees from the terrorist-torn country of Syria by 550 percent.
What [Donald] Trump has done, even though he is not the most conservative figure in this race, is he`s turned the play book against conservative thought leaders who are opposed to him. And if that means Fox News is in his way, even though he has a rapport with Ailes, then he is going to go after some of Fox`s figures if they`re not treating him sympathetically.
I'm still just a kid learning about minimalism, and he's a master of it. It's just really such a blessing, to be able to work with him. I want to say that after working with Rick, it humbled me to realize why I hadn't - even though I produced "Watch the Throne"; even though I produced "Dark Fantasy" - why I hadn't won Album of the Year yet.
Even though you can't expect to defeat the absurdity of the world, you must make the attempt. That's morality, that's religion, that's art, that's life.
Bill Clinton had a hell of a first 24 months, even though he, like Trump, enjoyed a congressional majority. Scandal after scandal befell the White House, including the failure of Hillary Clinton-led healthcare reform. But Clinton's scandals, from 'filegate' to 'travelgate' to a brouhaha over a haircut, were petty, personal and domestic.
Our job is to do two things - to defeat Donald Trump and to elect Hillary Clinton. It is easy to boo, but it is harder to look your kids in the face if we are living under a Trump presidency.
Even though I don't agree with Donald Trump on everything, and I think there may be certain things or statements of his that I may disagree with, he is a better candidate by far than Hillary Clinton.
We have got to defeat Donald Trump, and we have got to elect Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine.
Because on some level, even though it never turns out to be true, and even though I should know better, I still expect life to be like the movies.
Even though I've been doing it for so long, I still feel fresh. Even when I walk out on stage, I still feel pretty much the same as I've always felt.
You can't win every battle! You must have the word Defeat in your dictionary; if not, defeat will triumph even more strongly!
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