A Quote by Rush Limbaugh

When there is this giant narrative, when there is a singular story out there like there is right now about the Russians hacking the election so that Donald Trump would win - when the media is pumping it and the Democrats are quoting the media and the media's quoting the Democrats and it's just like a giant blanket thrown all over the country - don't believe the story. It's made up! It is a script. I call the daily soap opera.
You're safer not believing what you read in the New York Times. I don't care what it's about, but certainly that you're safer not believing anywhere in the mainstream media the general thrust of this story, that the Russians wanted Donald Trump to win and hacked the Democrats and embarrassed John Podesta and Hillary Clinton and succeeded.
Mitch McConnell further said he was kind of surprised that a rich guy like Donald Trump could be elected! Yeah, it's bad enough that the Democrats believe their own media, the Drive-By Media.
The narrative often from Democrats and the media is that Republicans don't think the Russians have meddled in our election. They did.
That's because of everything the public interest and the media interest is focused on: What did Donald Trump know and when did he know it? Whether there was cooperation with the Russians. I don't mean to say that's a distraction or we shouldn't follow it up. But the underlying story of the Russians trying to subvert our democracy, both through propaganda, planted stories, manipulation of social media and through direct efforts to infiltrate our state election system, is really an enormously significant event. And it's not over.
The story is whether or not the villains, in the eyes of the media, will win or can be stopped. But when you change the dynamic and make it [Donald] Trump versus Hillary [Clinton]? Well, we already know the media has already once gotten caught up and captured and totally engrossed in the Trump story 'cause they don't know how it's gonna end day to day.
Not only did corporate media not condemn leading Democrats' refusal to accept the results of the 2016 election, the media were also super spreaders of wild conspiracy theories about how Trump and Russia colluded to steal the election from Clinton.
But because media is what media is today, any stupid, absurd remark made by Donald Trump becomes the story of the week. Maybe, just maybe, we might want to have a serious discussion about the serious issues facing America. Donald Trump will not look quite so interesting in that context.
[Donald Trump] said, "Maybe the Russians could find those [Hillary Clinton's] emails - and if the Russians find 'em, please give them to the media." Well, I don't know how you get there from here, but the media then reported that Trump was encouraging the Russians to hack the Hillary campaign and produce the evidence to the media.
The Democrats are still not being honest with themselves about what happened to them. You know, a lot of people voted for Donald Trump knowing full well what the baggage was. They didn't care. The Trump election was, in fact, about issues. It was dead-set on issues, and this is what the media refuses to understand. They know it; they just don't want to believe it, and they don't want to acknowledge it. They think that it was an election about Hillary Clinton being a rotten candidate.
Yeah, that'll excite the media, what role will Bill [Clinton] have, versus the [Donald] Trump story. But in all of this, the key to remember is that we're not talking about media.
The people are doing everything they can to stop Democrats! The problem is, the media is running the opposition, not the Democrats. You want to stop this? Stop the media. How do you stop the media? Turn 'em off, don't believe 'em, don't let 'em affect what you think and do. Beyond that, get creative.
Media is extraordinarily important and is an extraordinarily powerful tool. There's a reason that the first things that a rebellion or revolt will take is the media. The story you transmit is the story that becomes a given, or the narrative of a country and people.
We need Democrats and Republicans in Congress to work together to fashion a very comprehensive pushback to Russia, not just the cyber-hacking, but their bribery of officials in Europe, their social media campaign, their overt media campaign.
Donald Trump has been frustrated because the Republicans won't do anything, so he's going over to the Democrat side, and he's doing deals - and in order to do that, the Democrats are running the show. The media wants you to believe that Trump is acquiescing to the Democrat agenda just so he can do deals and just so there can be something done.
The Democrat Party and the media - primarily, the media - has created a genuine insane asylum that is the Democrat Party base. The Democrat Party base believes that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians. The Democrat Party base believes that the Russians stole election from Hillary. They believe it because that's what they've been told solidly for nine months. They believe it. They have been driven insane.
I think this [ statement that Donald Trump would fight for LGBTQ people] is not just a story of the media spinning people up, but it's a story of special interests on the left, who also feel like their candidate lost, and stoking the flames on the fire because it helps spin up their supporters and help their donations and help their organizations. And it helps, frankly, polarize the country to their short-term benefit and at the expense, frankly, of progress for LGBTQ Americans.
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