A Quote by Rush Limbaugh

The Democratic Party is a closed clique. They are not the best and brightest. They're not the smartest. They haven't had to prove themselves in the market in many of these peoples' cases, the career politicians. This is the establishment. This is the elites. Their concerns just have very little in common. Illegal immigration, to complain about it is so, so uninformed and so small-minded. They never encounter, they never face the consequences of their own laws. They don't face the consequences of their own directives or actions.
There is never one absolutely right thing to do. All you can do is honor what you believe, accept the consequences of your own actions, and make the best out of what happens.
[A] private property regime makes people responsible for their own actions in the realm of material goods. Such a system therefore ensures that people experience the consequences of their own acts. Property sets up fences, but it also surrounds us with mirrors, reflecting back upon us the consequences of our own behavior.
I know that many Irish-born New Yorkers are caught in the trap of our federal immigration policies. If we are going to continue to attract the best and the brightest - and Ireland has more than its fair share - we need to inject some common sense into our immigration laws, and I'm doing my best to make that case in Washington.
California is many things, and it is a harbinger of what this country will become if illegal immigration isn't stopped. You're gonna have a very rich, very powerful minority of elites - very, very tiny - and they're gonna live in a very few, small, gated enclaves.
Anyone who has actually had to take responsibility for consequences by running any kind of enterprise whether economic or academic, or even just managing a sports team is likely at some point to be chastened by either the setbacks brought on by his own mistakes or by seeing his successes followed by negative consequences that he never anticipated.
Actions have consequences. Ignorance about the nature of those actions does not free a person from responsibility for the consequences. (28)
I know a little about CM Punk in that he does his own thing. I'm inspired by people who do that in their own life. That they just do their own thing no matter what the consequences are.
At the simplest level, economics can better show us the consequences of our actions. Less simple are cases in which we don't have the knowledge to predict the full consequences. Global warming and climate change are examples.
It's nearly impossible to enforce actual consequences in video games at the moment, but at a table, sitting face-to-face across a tabletop game, or even playing at a LAN party, sportsmanship matters.
I'll never forget the day when a woman came up to me and said, 'No, you could never be on a magazine cover. Your face features don't work; your eyes are small, you have a small face but a big nose.' I was only 14 and I had never noticed any of that stuff, you know?
The middle years are ones in which children increasingly face conflicts on their own,... One of the truths to be faced by parentsduring this period is that they cannot do the work of living and relating for their children. They can be sounding boards and they can probe with the children the consequences of alternative actions.
Even if we were able to agree on an ideal set of immigration laws, enforcing such laws in the face of hundreds of thousands of cases is impossible in practice.
Never do anything that you aren't prepared to face the true consequences of.
The actions of those in power can have enormous consequences - a price that they themselves almost never have to pay.
To be a utilitarian means that you judge actions as right or wrong in accordance with whether they have good consequences. So you try to do what will have the best consequences for all of those affected.
But you have such dimples," said Anne, smiling affectionately into the pretty, vivacious face so near her own. "Lovely dimples, like little dents in cream. I have given up all hope of dimples. My dimple-dream will never come true; but so many of my dreams have that I mustn't complain. Am I all ready now?
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