A Quote by Rush Limbaugh

I think a lot of the energy that the media and the Democrats are bringing to this is rooted in a belief that they can get rid of Donald Trump. I really think that that's something they think they can do.
Donald Trump has no design to transform America. Donald Trump doesn't think America is second-rate. Donald Trump doesn't think America's guilty. Donald Trump doesn't think America owes people things. Donald Trump doesn't think that the borders are to be wide open so that anybody who wants here can come here because we've screwed them at some time in the past.
I don't believe that all folks who supported Donald Trump are racist. I think that there was a lot of economic anxiety, there was a lot of economic panic. A lot of deep-rooted economic insecurity. I think what Trump did, you know, very astutely, was he tapped into this vein, and he promised them a job.
I wouldn't base my happiness or my definition of Donald Trump's success on James Comey removing. But Trump is fighting back. Do you think, all of you, do you think the Democrats really believe they can force Trump out of office, either by way of impeachment or just ticking him off so much he quits?
Democrats continue to make the mistake of plugging Trump into what they think their system is. And what they haven't figured out is, Donald Trump has taken over their system. I really think they don't have any idea what's headed their way.
I think that what Donald Trump is doing, the way in which racism, xenophobia, anti-Muslim belief and the like are being expressed through the campaign of Donald Trump, calls for, I think, a very vigorous and aggressive response to what he's saying.
I think there's something that's fascist [in Donald Trump's election], and something that I think we could probably learn from, in terms of the energy in the world right now.
In terms of media, we did not get the kind of media attention that somebody like a Donald Trump got, because media is not necessarily interested in the issues facing the middle class, more interested in attacks in personality. So I think there were a lot of reasons.
I think in terms of who can be trusted, I think the evidence is clear that there has been no candidate that I have ever seen who lies more often than does Donald Trump. I mean and that's just not me saying it, that's what any independent media analysis has shown. So in terms of trust, you really can't trust a word, I think, that Mr. Trump has to say.
Do I think Russians supported [Donald Trump]? Do I think they tried to get him elected? Do I think it worked against Clinton? I do. And that is something that has to be investigated.
Donald Trump was really cool. I think a lot of people don't understand him. He brings so much media attention to anything he does. He's a proven success. I think people should listen to what he says a little more than focusing on hair.
My impression of Donald Trump, just having been around him. I don't think Trump needs a lot of advisers. I don't think Trump's sitting up there not knowing what he thinks, not knowing what he thinks is best. I don't think that as these things come and go, he runs around, "What do you think I should do?" I think what happens is he makes up his mind he wants to do something and then asks people how's the best way to make it happen. He goes and talks to the military.
Why is the media doing what they're doing? Well, there are many answers for it. I don't mean to be insulting anybody here. Clearly, the media hates Trump, yeah, and clearly the media's a bunch of leftists and they don't like Trump's policies, and clearly this and clearly that. But there's another factor to this, too, that I don't think can be denied - and I think they're scared to death. Donald Trump is unraveling, bit by bit, major elements of the Barack Obama agenda.
I think what Donald Trump is reflecting is - and I know the media always discounts this because you don't like to get criticized. But you don't treat us the same way that you treat Democrats. Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama , they get the benefit of the doubt.
In 2016 you had a significant number of voters who said on Election Day: I don't like Donald Trump. I don't think he tells the truth. I don't think he has the temperament to be president. I don't think he is qualified. I do think Hillary Clinton is qualified. And I am voting for Donald Trump.
I think if you look at the things that Donald Trump has done that has satisfied conservatives. The fact that he still believes that he is their guy and then add to that the fact that Democrats don't have any sign of a competent effective leader that can marry their cultural left and the economic left going into 2020, I think Donald Trump stands a pretty good chance of being reelected.
Donald Trump doesn't think that he's deficient. Trump doesn't think that he's lacking. Trump doesn't think he needs advisers to tell him what he thinks. Trump is supremely, eminently confident.
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