A Quote by Rush Limbaugh

This isn't Republican versus Democrat. This is not right versus left right now. This is not conservative versus populist. This is globalist, America-is-not-first establishment versus those of us who believe America is first. This is an establishment/anti-establishment fight that's going on.
The number one problem in our world is alienation, rich versus poor, black versus white, labor versus management, conservative versus liberal, East versus West . . . But Christ came to bring about reconciliation and peace.
Most people assume the fights are going to be the left versus the right, but it always is the reasonable versus the jerks.
Independent of the critique I'm making, I'm just trying to paint a more comprehensive portrait of American religion than you get from a right versus left, religious conservatives versus secular liberal, believer versus atheist, binary. Too often, we just look at religion in America through that kind of either/or lens. I think it's much more complicated than that.
There is a new conservative establishment in America, made up of those who claim to be the anti-establishment.
The old division of Left versus Right is dead. In the Internet age, it's about citizens versus parliamentary relics.
In a budget, how important is art versus music versus athletics versus computer programming? At the end of the day, some of those trade-offs will be made politically.
Liberals are liberals, and it's not helpful to them when they are so identified. They go out of their way to avoid being called liberal. They don't like it. They talk about Republican versus Democrat, voter identification, conservative versus liberal is where you need to look.
Man versus woman equals fun. Man versus man equals gay. Woman versus woman equals awesome. Man versus pillow equals crazy. Pillow versus pillow equals crazy awesome - that's a real pillow fight right there. You see two pillows fighting, you know something's going down. They're designed for relaxation. If they're fighting, what hope do we have? One time I saw two geese fighting, and I was like, 'This is a pillow fight ahead of time.
I got into my first fight, Democrat versus Republican, in second grade. I won.
Arguments over grammar and style are often as fierce as those over IBM versus Mac, and as fruitless as Coke versus Pepsi and boxers versus briefs.
Even if Donald Trump wins, the establishment's not gonna go down a hole. The establishment's not gonna slink away in defeat. The establishment is gonna look at this as one inexperienced buffoon who happened to get elected versus all of them who know the ropes inside and out of Washington, and they're gonna make it their objective to deny this guy anything and everything that represents anything he campaigned on.
They are our brothers, these freedom fighters.... They are the moral equal of our Founding Fathers and the brave men and women of the French Resistance. We cannot turn away from them, for the struggle here is not right versus left; it is right versus wrong.
The really tough choices...don't center upon right versus wrong. They involve right versus right. They are genuine dilemmas precisely because each side is firmly rooted in one of our basic, core values.
The way I look at the world is establishment versus change agents. The establishment is those people who want to keep things the way they are. Change agents are people like me.
Politics isn't about left versus right; it's about top versus bottom.
I wholeheartedly believe that we can't organize just as women. There has to be specific messaging and an issue prioritization based on identity groups. Because when you ask a black woman what her top priority issues are versus a white woman versus a Muslim woman versus an undocumented woman, you're going to get... different answers.
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