A Quote by Rush Limbaugh

Liberals always exempt themselves from the rules that they impose on others. — © Rush Limbaugh
Liberals always exempt themselves from the rules that they impose on others.
We must not fall into the trap of projecting our own morality onto the Soviet leaders. They do not share our aspirations, they are not constrained by our ethics, they always consider themselves exempt from the rules that bind other states.
And, of course, liberals see no problem with using the government to impose their cultural beliefs on others; they just won't admit that's what they're doing.
Before they went on vacation, Congress voted to exempt themselves from Obamacare. They gave themselves a special exemption because they thought it was too expensive. So the people who voted for Obamacare for us voted to exempt themselves from it. You know how doctors take the Hippocratic Oath. Congress apparently takes the 'Hypocritic Oath.'
Those folks who try to impose analog rules on digital content will find themselves on the wrong side of the tidal wave.
The divorce between Church and State ought to be absolute. It ought to be so absolute that no Church property anywhere, in any state or in the nation, should be exempt from equal taxation; for if you exempt the property of any church organization, to that extent you impose a tax upon the whole community.
The fatal attraction of government is that it allows busybodies to impose decisions on others without paying any price themselves. That enables them to act as if there were no price, even when there are ruinous prices - paid by others.
Politicians have limited power. They can't impose morality on themselves. How can they impose it on the country?
It's fashionable to think that the conservative parties in America are the science deniers. You certainly wouldn't have trouble supporting that claim. But liberals are not exempt.
You’re not exempt from math if you’re a Republican, and you’re not exempt from math if you’re a Democrat. You’re not exempt from math if you’re a liberal, and you’re not exempt from math if you’re a conservative. You still have to do math.
Conservatives are tougher. They fight harder, they fight for their own, and they're willing to win for themselves and they're willing to impose pain on the opposition. Liberals are much less willing to do that. They're much more - they would much rather give to everybody.
Only the man who can impose discipline on himself is fit to discipline others or can impose discipline on others.
We laugh at liberals who declare that their favorite spending programs should be exempt because the spending is for a noble cause.
All free communities have both been more exempt from social injustice and crime, and have attained more brilliant prosperity, than any others, or than they themselves after they have lost their freedom.
Those who live as though God sets the rules are not going by their own rules. That is the self-sacrifice, or selflessness, that peace more often than not requires. Those who insist on going by their own rules cannot make that sacrifice. They are the steady adherents of (global) conflict because they are forever fighting both themselves and others to do whatever they think that they want to do.
The coercive power of government is always a beacon to those who want to dominate others -- summoning the worst dregs of society to Washington to use that power to impose their will upon others.
Conservatives define themselves more by their hatred of liberals than anything else, and, conversely, liberals by their distaste for conservatives.
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