A Quote by Russ Feingold

I'm proud to be a Democrat. — © Russ Feingold
I'm proud to be a Democrat.

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I think if you run away from who you are, that you're a Democrat and you're proud to be a Democrat, it's foolish. And the reason it's foolish is you've got a lot to be proud of.
In our state, I'm really proud of the fact that the ones who overturned Jim Crow in Kentucky were Republicans fighting against an entirely unified Democrat Party. So I am proud to be Republican. I can't imagine being anything else.
I'm proud to be an Albert Gore Democrat.
I'm a very proud Democrat, but I also like results.
It's impossible for a Democrat to be a failure. It's impossible for a Democrat to be a reprobate. It's impossible for a Democrat to be a mess. It just isn't possible, as far as the mind-set of the media is concerned.
The democrat is a young conservative; the conservative is an old democrat. The aristocrat is the democrat ripe, and gone to seed,--because both parties stand on the one ground of the supreme value of property, which one endeavors to get, and the other to keep.
Through time and dedication, we will make it okay to be a proud Democrat in the South once again.
I'm proud to be a Democrat, and I feel pretty strongly that the country would be better off with Democrats in charge.
Listen, I'm a proud Democrat. My heroes are the Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King. And I don't apologize for that and never will.
This is not even Bill Clinton's Democrat Party, anymore. This party, the Democrat Party of today, is so off the rails and so radical that Christians and Catholics are leaving the Democrat Party.
I know the GOP is called the stupid party, but the idea that Republicans can have the Confederate flag hung around their neck is ridiculous! It's a Democrat flag! The flags - states that seceded during the Civil War were all Democrat states. That's their flag. The slave states were Democrat states! The racist states until the 1960s were Democrat states!
I dont believe in labels. I want to do the best I can, all the time. I want to be progressive without getting both feet off the ground at the same time. I want to be prudent without having my mind closed to anything that is new or different. I have often said that I was proud that I was a free man first and an American second, and a public servant third and a Democrat fourth, in that order, and I guess as a Democrat, if I had to takeplace a label on myself, I would want to be a progressive who is prudent.
The media traditionally is simply an arm of the Democrat Party that is used in service of advancing the Democrat Party agenda, and the Republicans haven't come up with a way of having a more engaging, entertaining story because the Republican story is never anything other than, "We don't want Democrat X to have what he wants."
I've reached out to independents and minorities that have traditionally voted Democrat but that are conservative on a lot of questions. We talk to young people, folks that typically aren't voting on a consistent basis. I'm proud of that.
I'm not a Democrat; I'm something well to the left of a Democrat, but I'm just realistic about the system.
I'm a Democrat, and I think people who meet me will realize I'm a Democrat. I have progressive Democratic values.
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