A Quote by Ruth Negga

Sometimes it's hard to play someone so similar to you, because you can muddy the character. Often, it's easier to play someone further away from you, because it's clearer who they are.
Often, it's easier to play someone further away from you because it's clearer who they are. I think if you want to make a performance authentic, there are a certain amount of leaps of faith into the unknown that you have to take. Otherwise, you're not really risking anything.
Sometimes it is easier to play someone who is far away from you.
I find it easier to play someone who is so far from me because you create someone - you build this person based on the story and the script, with the director.
That straight man character is a short trip between comedy and drama in a project, so I can play the comedic beat on the same page as a dramatic beat. It gives me a lot of freedom as an actor to play scenes in multiple ways because I don't play the clown, nor do I play someone who is particularly maudlin.
I'm hungry for a cold and mean character. I'd love it if someone thought I could play gritty. I want to play a baddie - someone really scary.
I'm hungry for a cold and mean character - I'd love it if someone thought I could play gritty. I want to play a baddie, someone really scary.
For us it's better to think of our opponents as idiots. It's easier to play hard against someone you don't like than it is to play against a friend.
When someone cares... it is easier to speak, it is easier to listen, it is easier to play, it is easier to work. When someone cares it is easier to laugh.
Every character I play is straight, which is unique, my agent says, because it's not really been done before that someone who is completely out is able to play straight roles.
You work hard, you sacrifice for everything you do, and in one second, someone can tarnish your name - someone can bad-mouth you, and someone can say things. People let all of the good things gets washed away because someone spoke ill of them.
It's not so much that I'd like to play a raunchy character, but I would like to play someone my own age. I'm always playing down, but I guess it's good because it means I've got a longer life in my acting career.
Sometimes I think it's easier to play someone who's very, very different from yourself. Besides, I wouldn't want to play people who are just like me; that would get awfully boring very fast!
I would quite like to do a different accent or play something so different from myself because Olivia, the character I play in this film, is similar to me.
To play someone when the character masks their own emotions, doesn't understand their own emotions, has no release for their own emotions, and yet is full of emotion - that is a much harder character to play than someone who has somewhere to put it.
I often hear actors say during their interviews: 'I want to play a crazy person, a murderer, or someone who's on edge.' But that question scares me. I mean, of course there are characters I'd like to play, but I can't really say specifically who they are. It's much too hard to play a convincing normal person as it is.
Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't leaving being musician because I use to like it when noone came to see me playing, because I didn't feel any pressure. I can enjoy myself and probably play better. Sometimes when I play, people expect something of me, and I'm not always able to to that. Quite often. So I get totaly nervous
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