A Quote by Ryan Holmes

Tech companies don't exist in a bubble; they draw from and feed into a larger community. Ideally, the relationship is symbiotic. — © Ryan Holmes
Tech companies don't exist in a bubble; they draw from and feed into a larger community. Ideally, the relationship is symbiotic.
Browbeating the tech industry for a problem that does not exist also draws attention away from the real problems with Google and other tech companies.
Comedy can't be done in a vacuum, and you can't do it on your own. So if you have a community of people, it's a great symbiotic relationship.
What I learned with tech companies is I gotta give people room to experiment, and also to make what might later on be a mistake. This is the attitude I want to build within San Francisco - give some time to the tech community.
Tech stocks are trading at a 30-year-low when compared to the multiples of industrials (companies). It's the weirdest bubble when everyone hates everything.
Tech stocks are trading at a 30-year-low when compared to the multiples of industrials (companies). Its the weirdest bubble when everyone hates everything.
I think Wall Street is very important, especially to tech companies. Wall Street will get in their rhythm and go fund tech companies, and tech companies will go create jobs and employ a lot of people, so there's that aspect of Wall Street.
We all remember the tech bubble of the late '90s, but companies like Amazon survived. Wherever there's strong, enduring value, it can last through that kind of turmoil.
Our community of drivers has 30 percent women in a driving industry that's typically 1 percent. We better understand each other because we better reflect our community than maybe other tech companies or other companies in general. It's something we're very happy with and proud of.
I don't think objectively we are in a tech bubble when tech stocks are at a 30 year low.
So many tech companies have embraced a mission that they say is larger than profits. Once you wrap yourself up in a moral flag, you have to carry it to the top of other hills.
There's also the issue of tech titans throwing their weight around in Washington and lobbying. There was just a Reuters poll that reported that more than half of Americans are concerned that tech companies are "encroaching too much on their lives." That's pretty major, considering these companies were universally loved not that long ago.
My relationship with Silicon Valley and the tech community historically has been really good. Many of these folks are my friends.
Some duties exist simply because we are part of a larger family or community.
Brand marketers don't believe that ad-tech companies view brands as true partners. Ad-tech companies think brand marketers are paying attention to the wrong things. And publishers, with a few important exceptions, feel taken advantage of by everyone.
Tech companies tend to do tech best.
While it's true that women are the minority in most tech companies, I don't think that inhibits entry into the tech space. My motto has always been, 'Live What You Love,' and as such, I think it's incredibly important to do work you believe in and to work for a company that has values that align with your own, be it in tech or another industry.
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