A Quote by Saad Hariri

It's very easy to have slogans and rhetoric that people will follow, but eventually the slogans fall away. — © Saad Hariri
It's very easy to have slogans and rhetoric that people will follow, but eventually the slogans fall away.
It's very easy to have slogans and rhetoric that people will follow, but eventually the slogans fall away
I remember laughing when we made those slogans up [about abortion]. . . . We were looking for some sexy, catchy slogans to capture public opinion. They were very cynical slogans then, just as all of these slogans today are very, very cynical.
We have a large public that is very ignorant about public affairs and very susceptible to simplistic slogans by candidates who appear out of nowhere, have no track record, but mouth appealing slogans
The art of the critic in a nutshell: to coin slogans without betraying ideas. The slogans of an inadequate criticism peddle ideas to fashion.
Managers at [the nuclear] sector should know that we need diplomacy and not slogans, .. This [is] where we should use all our leverages with patience and wisdom, without provocation and slogans that can give pretexts to the enemies.
The difference between us and the other side is that they use populist and...kind of slogans that are...they fool the people. They are the kind of dishonest and populist slogans that we are not willing to use.
It is simple to follow the easy and familiar path of personal ambition and private gain. It is more comfortable to sit content in the easy approval of friends and of neighbours than to risk the friction and the controversy that comes with public affairs. It is easier to fall in step with the slogans of others than to march to the beat of the internal drummer - to make and stand on judgements of your own. And it far easier to accept and to stand on the past, than to fight for the answers of the future
The courts are an easy scapegoat because at a time when everything has to boiled down to easy slogans, we speak in subtleties.
United we stand, divided we fall is one of the oldest and truest slogans of the Labour movement.
The people who tend to raise antiwar slogans will do so generally when it's American or British interests involved.
Merely slogans and statements will not remove poverty.
When you attempt something new, there's always fear. A couple of helpful slogans to me are "follow the fear" or "fear is a sign of growth."
In times to come people will not judge us by the creed we profess or the label we wear or the slogans we shout, but, by our work, industry, sacrifice, honesty and purity of character.
BJP's agenda was all wrong. They claimed that India was shining. Is it a utensil which will shine when rubbed? They fooled the people by these slogans and tried to divide them on the lines of religion.
The Vietnam War was a great tragedy for our country. And it is now far enough away so that one can study without using the slogans to see what's really happened.
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