A Quote by Sai Pallavi

I have never used makeup in my life. I'm not fond of it at all. I love myself the way I am, and I try my best not to use it - the only things I use are sun screen and eyeliner.
Believing that war is contrary to the will of God and to common sense, and feeling that the way of peace is the way of love, I shall work for peace by using the way of love myself, by helping any group I am part of to use it, by helping the nation of which I am a citizen to use it, by helping the United Nations to use it, and by praying that the way of love be used all over the world.
I use Maybelline's eye studio gel eyeliner and simply glide it onto the eyelids to shape the makeup. Then, I use brown eyeshadow to add more detail to make my eyes look deeper.
My eyeliner is this Kat Von D Tattoo Liner... I've tried every single eyeliner, and this is the best. I use it in Mad Max Brown.
For me, money is to use - it's only to use. So I never have money because I always spend. That's why in a way I protect myself in having houses. But if I had just cash or kept it in the bank, I'd spend it immediately. But not for stupid things. So I don't like to have money. I never have money in my pocket.
I always secretly loved the art of makeup as a child. I would come up with stories and characters and try on my mom's Maybelline eyeliner when she wasn't home. It was a very old-school pencil - you had to burn the tip to make it smudgy enough to use.
I grew up learning from numerous makeup artists how to put on makeup, different ways you can put on makeup, what type of makeup to use, what type of makeup not to use.
When you look cakey, or you have too much on, and you actually see the makeup, the makeup isn't doing its job. When you use the makeup in a way where the people aren't thinking about the makeup, and they're looking at you, that's what we want.
Sometimes, you can incorporate things that you've experienced in your life and use that. And, other times, you just know what that feeling of hurt, love, anger and depression is, and you do whatever it takes to get there in your mind, and use it to your advantage, whichever way it works best.
I'll usually wash my face with a face wash, then I'll go to my makeup. I like to use Nip + Fab Dragon's Blood Fix Serum. It's moisturizing and also a great primer for your makeup. And, I try to use sunscreen every day.
Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print. Never use a long word where a short one will do. If it is possible to cut a word out always cut it out. Never use the passive voice where you can use the active. Never use a foreign phrase a scientific word or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent. Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous.
I've always thought for myself, that's something I want to focus on - color palette and the use of color. Rather than using it in a way that other makeup artists might, I try to enhance the color palette with the girl to really bring out her sickest features and make her look absolutely the best she can.
If you have a friend, what's the best way you can experience her beauty? It's to really accept her. She's weird in this way, I accept it. She's hard to talk to, I accept it. Then that person eventually will come all the way out into the sun. I think it's the same way with our talent. We say, "Look, I'm not going to judge you. I'm going to try to use you in the very best way."
Well, we can study aging in people, but of course those studies take decades. So what we try to do is we use simpler organisms to try and understand the basic mechanisms and so in my laboratory, for example, we use things like simple baker's yeast that we use to make bread.
I am a very good archer. I use archery as my way of meditation. I cannot sit down and just meditate in the classical sense. I am very active. So, I use archery. I have my bow, my arrow and I use this tension and relaxation in the second after throwing the arrow. And it is my way to meditate and this is the only thing that clears my mind. When I do archery, I am totally there with my bow, my target, my arrow, and I don't think, I am communion with the universe.
Neither sugar nor salt tastes particularly good by itself. Each is at its best when used to season other things. Love is the same way. Use it to "season" people.
There are some superficial things that connect me to the stream. There's instrumentation, there's timbre, use of electronics, the way that samples are used, the way the electric guitar is used. I'm thinking of things that are particular to this era. But I don't always feel particularly close to the music of my peers. I often feel that I have more in common with writers and visual artists. I try to connect to people in an emotional kind of way.
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