A Quote by Saint John Chrysostom

Feet were made, not given for dancing, but to walk modestly, not to leap impudently like camels. — © Saint John Chrysostom
Feet were made, not given for dancing, but to walk modestly, not to leap impudently like camels.
Just like a caravan of camels walking in the desert, be durable against the adversities of life and walk with decisive steps.
The Nicholas Brothers were the best tap-dancers. I'm not talking about their flash-dancing, I'm talking about tap-dancing. They were really saying something with their feet.
When we walk like (we are rushing), we print anxiety and sorrow on the earth. We have to walk in a way that we only print peace and serenity on the earth... Be aware of the contact between your feet and the earth. Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.
My friends they were dancing here in the streets of Huntsville when our first satellite orbited the Earth. They were dancing again when the first Americans landed on the Moon. I'd like to ask you, don't hang up your dancing slippers.
then she was laughing. They both were, and the savage teeth were the most joyous sight Phaedra had seen for a long time. It was as if they were dancing. There it was. Suddenly the strangeness of Quintana of Charyn's face made sense. Because it was a face meant for laughing, but it had never been given a chance.
Old Camels carry young Camels skins to the Market.
I come from a long line of below-stairs maids and gardeners. Good ol' peasant stock. My mother and her sister made a quantum leap out of that life. Then I made another quantum leap.
it is a curious fact that camels walk more quickly and straighter to the sound of singing.
I don't exercise. I just walk my dogs and run up and down the stairs every day because I've got a big house so you have to do that constantly. That's my exercise. Oh and dancing, I like dancing.
Dance is communication, and so the great challenge is to speak clearly, beautifully, and with inevitability. Dance is the only art of which we ourselves are the stuff of which it is made. Dancing is like dreaming with your feet!
When you were made a leader you weren't given a crown, you were given the responsibility to bring out the best in others.
The number one thing that has to be done, [black men] has to be retaught, be given - he has to be reeducated and made to know that he's a man, like anyone else, and then he can stand on his own two feet, like others have done.
Talking about straws and camels' backs is just one way of approaching things. If you have enough camels, no backs need be broken.
Dancing is like dreaming with your feet!
Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education; dancing with the feet, with ideas, with words, and, need I add that one must also be able to dance with the pen?
You point your feet out too much when you walk,” Will went on. He was busy polishing an apple on his shirtfront, and appeared not to notice Tessa glaring at him. “Camille walks delicately. Like a faun in the woods. Not like a duck” “I do not walk like a duck.” “I like ducks,” Jem observed diplomatically. “Especially the ones in Hyde Park.
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