A Quote by Sam Shepard

You sometimes use the excuse, 'I'm a writer, dammit, I can do anything I want,' but that doesn't work. — © Sam Shepard
You sometimes use the excuse, 'I'm a writer, dammit, I can do anything I want,' but that doesn't work.
People sometimes hold themselves back because they want to use racism as an excuse for them not being able to achieve what they want to achieve.
There is no fate... no predestination... no luck. Don't use that as an excuse to not live the life you want. Work for it. You make your future - no one else.
The moment I realised that my history was an excuse for nothing, was the moment I was freed from my history. The great danger of history is that we use it as an excuse and remain trapped in it. I cannot blame my history for anything, and therefore I have to have high standards for myself.
As a competitor, you don't want to use anything as an excuse. No matter how your body's doing or how you're feeling mentally, you should be able to find a way to get the job done.
I wasn't predicted to be anything. I just followed an inner spirit, and it put me in the right place and the right time. I didn't want to be the mayor of Atlanta. I didn't want to run for Congress. I didn't want to work for Martin Luther King Jr. I wanted to work close to him and be a writer and write about the movement.
When you use an excuse for not accomplishing something or not completing a project, you are actually giving power to someone or something outside of yourself. Regardless of what happens today, absolutely refuse to use an excuse to get off the hook.
Names are what people sometimes use to excuse their thoughts and actions towards you.
Sometimes, life is unfair, and you have to suck it up and move on and not use it as an excuse.
Shut up and write anyway. Don't use anything as an excuse.
Writer's block is a phony, made up, BS excuse for not doing your work.
I always thought writer's block was something that prats used as an easy excuse for not doing any work.
Writer-directors are a little bit more liberal, rather than having just the writer on the set, because I think sometimes the writer becomes too precious with the words. If you're a writer-director, you can see what you're doing and see your work in action, so I think you can correct it right there and still not compromise yourself.
If an opportunity arises, then I won't use school as an excuse not to work.
Sometimes I want to work with a DP, sometimes I want to work myself. I go to 35mm, 16mm, it's all the same, but it depends on what you want to tell and what are the tools you need.
Columbia is ... for people whose genitals still work, dammit. For writers who want to be brave and persevere in the real world where people often fail.
A lot of people do want to be victims. It's easy. It's an excuse for not doing anything and an excuse for failing. Being a victim means somebody else is responsible for everything going wrong in your life. So Democrats love plugging as many people as they can into victim status.
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