A Quote by Sam Zell

Everyone likes pussy. It's un-American not to like pussy. — © Sam Zell
Everyone likes pussy. It's un-American not to like pussy.
If you sell the Vatican and you take that money and you use it to feed every single human being on the planet, you will get cah-azy pussy. All the pussy. I don't mean literally. That might not be your cup of tea. I don't know what your version of 'all the pussy' is. But you'll get all the pussy.
All you crazy white people "I'm American!", all you did was come out of your mother's pussy on American soil. That's it. That's it! What, you think you're better than somebody from France 'cause you came out of a pussy in Detroit?
Pussy cat, pussy cat, I love you, yes I do. You and your pussy cat nose.
Guys, we spend our whole lives trying to get pussy, so when pussy comes to us, it's like, "Whoa, this is amazing!" At 27, I thought nothing could be better than that, but at 35, I've come to understand the darker side of it.
I'm anti - the pussy generation. Not to be confused with pussy.
They don't tend to feature the kind of vaginas I like in adult films. I tend to like a thick, heavy pussy - the kind of pussy that looks like it just smoked an exploding cartoon cigar.
Chaka, I know that pussy hairy. Sade, ooooh, I know that pussy tight.
The American people don't really care what side of an issue you're on. They just don't want you to act like a pussy.
Everyone in Seattle is a total pussy when it comes to snow. The whole city shut down, the place looked like an apocalyptic movie.
I get to represent somebody I don't think is getting represented right now. The regular dude: the guy who believes in God but still likes pussy.
If I had a kid, I'd give him a name that would make everyone would want to say his name. I'd call him, Pizza-Pussy-Santa. I would! Cause everybody likes one of those things.
Fame is like a tree. It helps you get pussy.
Revenge is like the sweetest joy next to gettin' pussy.
Call me Sunshine, pussy spread like the rainbow.
The majority of Russians considered Pussy Riot's stunt to be an act of religious hatred, rather than criticism against the close ties between the President and the Patriarch. So yes, in many ways their message was lost in all the noise. On the other hand, Pussy Riot chose a format that would make sure they would be heard. A silent protest would have failed, or perhaps even led to harsh punishment without much interest from the world around. So they chose a form that would be noticed. Who can blame them for that?
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