A Quote by Samantha Barks

I've always been a positive, optimistic person who loves life, and I've got a lot to be positive about. — © Samantha Barks
I've always been a positive, optimistic person who loves life, and I've got a lot to be positive about.
You've always got to remember, rock and roll's never been about giving up. For me, for a lot of kids, it was a totally positive force... not optimistic all the time, but positive. It was never--never--a bout surrender.
By acting in a positive, pleasant and optimistic way, you become a positive, optimistic and enjoyable person.
I've always been pretty vocal to my teammates. I'm really positive and optimistic. Positive enforcement - I feel like throwing that energy into the air is big.
I am a positive person. I am not cynical. If you are born in this world, no matter who you are, negative things will happen. If you aren't positive as a person, you'll be very unhappy. It's extremely important to be positive, to laugh, to be happy, to accept life as it comes.
Honestly, I've always been a very positive person and I maintained that even when my family tested COVID positive or when I gave birth in the middle of a pandemic.
One life is way too short to be pessimistic, so you've got to be positive and optimistic.
Our thoughts really do create our lives. They've done a lot of research showing if you're an optimistic, positive person you will be a healthier person than if you're a sad, depressed, negative person.
I am blood type O-positive, which I remember by staying 'optimistic positive.'
Choosing to associate with positive, optimistic people will accelerate our positive growth.
Maybe, through the stories I share about my life and others and the medical research that has been dedicated to the world of positive psychology, they'll relate to the power of a positive perspective and change the world one person at a time. Pipe dream, of course, but I love the thought of being given the chance to inspire!
If I didn't positive have people influencing my life in a positive way, I don't know where I'd be right now. So if I can do that just in one person's life, it's all worth it to me.
I am a very positive and optimistic person.
You have got to get your power up and do something and not just sit around. Always be optimistic. Always be positive! And ignore those who aren't, because they're obviously confused, and out of touch with light.
In life, you may face hard times. But in the face of adversity, always seek to remain positive. What we think, will eventually become our life. And if you think positive, you will have a positive life.
I'm a very upbeat, positive, optimistic type of person.
Best beauty tip... Work yourself from the inside out. Eat right, drink right, look right! Positive energy brings a certain glow, so think positive, choose positive, be positive & attract positiveness. It always shows up on the outside.
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