A Quote by Sami Zayn

A lot of people think I reacted a little too emotionally when I said, 'If I can't beat Adrian Neville, I'm done.' But the truth is, my whole life, I've always followed my heart and my emotions.
It's hard to do that with people who think emotionally. A lot of people think in terms of people, emotions, and feelings. That's more complicated. Engineering mentality makes it, in theory, a little easier.
Adrian ordered a martini, earning disapproving looks from his father and me. "It's barely noon," said Nathan. "I know," said Adrian. "I'm surprised I held out that long too.
I don't suppose that she gave you the job based on looks alone?" Adrian had been staring off but now flashed me a big smile. "Why, Sage, you sweet talker." "That's not what I meant! What happened?" He shrugged. "I told the truth." "Adrian!" "I'm serious. She asked me what my greatest strength was. I said getting along with people." "That's not bad." I admitted. "Then she asked what my greatest weakness was. And I said, 'Where should I start?'" "Adrian!" "Stop saying my name like that. I told her the truth. By the time I was on the fourth one, she told me I could go.
I have done very little in my life except go to school and work for the CIA. Intellectually I think I did everything I could. Emotionally you always think you should have something more.
In football we always said that the other team couldn't beat us. We had to be sure that we didn't beat ourselves. And that's what people have to do, too - make sure they don't beat themselves.
I'm a huge fan of Adrian Neville and I have been for a long time.
My father always said, 'Do your best and piss on the rest.' And I think there's a lot of truth to that, because if you've done your best, there's not a hell of a lot more you can do about something.
I always followed my heart and if my heart said I gotta pack up and go, I'm gone.
It's good to be slightly ambitious, but I believe one shouldn't be too calculative. It's good to be on the edge, but I have never followed my mind. I have always followed my heart. And it has yielded the right results.
I think what I reacted to so strongly when I first saw 'Pinocchio' was that I identified with the character so strongly. The movie takes you on a whole journey, a rollercoaster of emotions, and that sometimes means some very scary places. But in the end, it comes out okay.
I have followed Newcastle my whole life. I had two Newcastle shirts when I was little. It was unusual; most people choose a team like Manchester United or Barcelona, but for me, it has always been Newcastle.
The general public, they get bored. There's no interest because they think, or they know, Demetrious Johnson will always win. And I've always said, even after that loss to Demetrious Johnson, even after he beat me, I said I felt him a little bit. I still believe I can beat him, even after being knocked down the first round.
When I was doing stand-up, I was about twenty, and I really think that that's a little too young. I didn't have a whole lot of life experience to draw on.
I've always followed my heart. With every project that I've ever chosen, it's been something that I felt I couldn't live without, and that I couldn't spend another day of my life not knowing that I didn't do that role, gave my all to that role, and gave all of my emotions and soul to it.
The emotionally intelligent person is skilled in four areas: identifying emotions, using emotions, understanding emotions, and regulating emotions.
Adrian Neville should expect absolutely everything out of me. Like I said, he is going to be facing Tyson Kidd at his absolute best. I've got nothing to lose, and there's nothing more dangerous than a guy with nothing to lose.
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