A Quote by Sammi Giancola

I feel truly lucky and blessed. — © Sammi Giancola
I feel truly lucky and blessed.

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"Benedetto" means the "blessed one" and I feel that I have truly been blessed.
I feel lucky. I feel blessed. If you get blessed with some ability, I think you have to work hard at it. Michael Jordan was a great basketball player, but he wasn't the best shooter, even though he had the skill, and he had to work and work at it.
I don't miss the limelight, not at all. I'm just more comfortable out of it. I don't miss 'Monday Night Football.' I just don't miss it. I'm lucky. When I stopped playing, I didn't miss it. I feel blessed that it's not been a problem. I have great memories. I feel really lucky.
I have accomplished my childhood dream: to be in show business. Everybody should be so lucky to have their dreams come true. I've been truly blessed.
I had a friend whose life was perfect. She always said to me, "I'm truly blessed." I thought, "Of course you're blessed; your life is perfect." Even during a difficult time, circumstances moved to take care of everything for her. When I remarked on this she repeated, "I'm truly blessed." I never put it together until I discovered The Secret; it was her words that BROUGHT her blessed and perfect life!
When we succeed in truly thanking God, we feel good at heart. The reason is that we have been created to give glory to God, now and for-evermore. And every time we do so, we feel that we are in harmony with His plans and purposes for our lives. Then we are truly in our element. That is why it is so blessed.
I just feel like I am a really lucky guy who these talented directors have found places for me. I feel honored and blessed.
Whenever you focus on the blessings in your life, you're instantaneously on the blessing frequency, and blessings increase in your life IN THAT MOMENT! 'I am truly blessed every day by every person, circumstance, and event, and I'm truly blessed to be sharing my life with all of you.' How are you blessed?
I am lucky to have the freedom to do a variety of roles. I feel blessed.
My whole life, I feel so blessed. I met my wife: I can't get over that I got so lucky. I have two incredible children. I can't believe that I've been so blessed. I've had a career that is way past anything that I've ever dreamed. I get to work in all these different areas with such extraordinary people on every level.
I feel truly blessed by Forever 21's success.
I feel that if you are blessed, or lucky enough, to be doing well, you should help others.
I have the same issues as the next person, but I do feel very lucky that I've been blessed with three lovely children and that I look forward to going to work, because I know a lot of people don't feel like that.
I wake up every morning, and I feel like a very lucky and blessed woman.
I've got an incredible family, I've been blessed to play a game for a living, and even more than that, I've been blessed to have the ability to play it and the ability to play two sports at the same time. There's not many people that are able to do that, so yeah, I feel very lucky.
I feel truly blessed to be one of the many black women who are leading ladies on television.
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