A Quote by Sammi Giancola

I miss it like crazy, but I don't eat pasta anymore. — © Sammi Giancola
I miss it like crazy, but I don't eat pasta anymore.

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My diet doesn't change regardless of whether or not I'm competing. It's not that strict, either. I try not to eat too much dessert or too many sugary things, like bread or pasta. But I'm not crazy, and I'll eat pasta if that's what someone if making. It's all about trying to find a balance and eat healthy.
I'm sort of a carb-oholic. I love pasta, and I know it's really simple, but I love pasta with olive oil and crushed red pepper and maybe some Parmesan. I don't really eat cheese anymore, but that would be my favorite. I love a tri colore salad - it's my favorite.
I'll pretty much eat anything that doesn't have sugar in it. And I'll eat carbs, believe me - I eat tons of pasta! In the morning I eat these low-carb, sugar-free breakfast bars, and for lunch I usually do a chopped salad, and I like natural sugars like fruit.
I try to get to the gym whenever I can, eat healthy, mostly protein and vegetables, avoid processed sugar and minimize carbs, but I don't feel like I need to go crazy if I want pasta now and then.
I definitely eat carbs. I repeat: I do eat carbs. I'm just selective on which carbs I eat and when. I won't eat things like pasta and bread at night, but in terms of fueling a workout and recovering from one, carbs are great.
The problem that people have is that they eat too large portion sizes. Italians have been eating pasta for hundreds and hundreds of years, and we've never been an obese nation. We do the pasta, the pizza, all the cheeses, but it all has to do with how much you eat.
I used to eat a lot of pasta and cookies, things like that. I really eat a lot. I'd eat everything if you let me.
Pasta isn't just for Italian food anymore. Now there are tasty pasta recipes found in Asian cuisine, and it's emerging as a newfound love for vegans.
I eat a lot of pasta. We eat relatively healthy. I don't eat fast food, mostly home-cooked stuff. Chicken. Salads. Stuff like that. Oatmeal for breakfast. A big dinner.
My kids won't eat all whole-wheat pasta, so my trick is to mix some in with white pasta. Cook the whole-wheat for about a minute and a half before you add the white pasta.
My wife's Italian, so pasta is a go-to for my eldest - he loves a good pasta. My middle child is a scavenger, he'll just eat whatever.
Everyone on my team is different in terms of how long before a workout they prefer to eat. I like to eat my big meal 4.5-5 hours before I play. I usually eat a carb either rice or pasta with tofu or chicken. Around 2 hours before I play to like to eat greek yogurt with a banana.
When you're used to getting just a piece of bread for a meal, you don't realize that you can ask for a plate of pasta. You have never seen a plate of pasta. You don't even know it exists. So, to ask for it is totally out of your reality. Hopefully, at some point, either someone shows you a plate of pasta, you read about it, or you hear about it enough so that it becomes real, and it's not just a fantasy anymore, and then you start thinking "Hey, I want that pasta."
What I do miss that I don't get anymore? You're going to think I'm crazy, but you want the truth, so here it is. The lights! I miss the spotlights. I don't mean it figuratively. I mean it literally. I love the feeling of lights.
My breakfast is egg whites, avocado and grilled tomatoes. Lunch is usually some type of chicken and then for dinner... I like to eat. I'll eat pasta even though I'm not supposed to.
I'm not a vegetarian, and I like filet minion which is sort of a guilty pleasure because I have vegetarian leanings. I eat that once in a while, but generally speaking I like to eat vegetarian things. I really like pasta. I really like bread with olive oil and garlic and I like salads.
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