A Quote by Sammi Giancola

I was studying sociology in college and I was a big soccer player. That's something not a lot of people know about me. I'm a girly girl, but I'm also a secret tomboy. — © Sammi Giancola
I was studying sociology in college and I was a big soccer player. That's something not a lot of people know about me. I'm a girly girl, but I'm also a secret tomboy.
I'm a girl, and I like girly things even though I'm a tomboy also, you know?
For so long, we were labeled - you're a girly girl, you're a tomboy, you're this or that - but now we can do what we want. One style doesn't define me.
I've always been a very outdoors sort of girl. I'm more a tomboy than a girly girl.
I was not a girly girl. I was a tomboy.
I wasn't like a girly girl. I was a tomboy.
I didn't have a sense of how to dress. I still don't really, but, like, back then, I truly had no sense of how to dress because I wanted to be a tomboy - I thought I was a tomboy, but secretly wanted to be girly, but didn't know the first thing about making myself girly. So I ended up like wearing just like sweatpants to school with, like, long T-shirts that I got on family vacations. And it was just weird.
I'm a bit of a tomboy, but then a girly girl. And I feel like you can be both.
I am very much a girly girl as well as being this tough, athletic fighter. I grew up a tomboy. I got my first four wheeler when I was eight. I got my first dirt bike shortly after. So, I have a lot of these manly qualities, I guess you would say. But, I also like to go get dressed up every weekend.
If you think I'm a loser, that I'm a bust, that's fine, but you don't know me. I don't have a problem with people thinking I was a bad football player. I wasn't a particularly good pro football player. But I was a great college player, and that's something.
As a little girl, I really hated pink, for instance, and I didn't like wearing dresses. I didn't want to be a girly girl then, but now I love being a girly girl!
Chileans have this rumor that they're great soccer players, but I stunk as a soccer player. I always had to hide my nationality when they were picking teams because, just by the look of me, they would think that I was a great soccer player.
I grew up around a lot of boys - all my friends on my street were boys, so I was the only girl for a while hanging out with them. I have a little bit of a tomboy aspect; I love to be comfortable. But, I do have a sexy girly side as well - I just love sportswear.
I'm a big soccer fan, so any soccer player that I meet, I always get star struck. I've met a lot of big stars - Justin Timberlake, Michael Buble - and I don't ever get starstruck, but when I met famous ex-football players, I just got completely starstruck.
The game of soccer has been able to give me what I wanted out of life. I just remember being a total Tomboy and athlete as a girl, but never having a lack of opportunity.
When I go to the spa, I'm a girly girl. I'm pampering myself. But on a regular basis, I'm a very tough tomboy - I have to remind myself that I'm still a woman!
I was in college - Carnegie Mellon, which is one of the reasons Pittsburgh was appealing to me - and I personally feel that whole world of what we used to call "college radio" is a big part of what kept me sane through a period where I stopped dating, I felt like a freak, I felt like no girl would like me. You know, a very adolescent response to losing my hair. I turned to obsessing about The Replacements and The Smiths and R.E.M. and getting further into The Velvet Underground. People who, in my sheltered suburban life, I knew of, but didn't know fully.
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