A Quote by Sammi Giancola

I would love to travel anywhere! To another country... Anywhere that's fun, that has a cool vibe. — © Sammi Giancola
I would love to travel anywhere! To another country... Anywhere that's fun, that has a cool vibe.
It's wonderful to travel with somebody that you love and we never travel anywhere without one another.
I love to travel, anywhere in the world. Wherever it is... India... Tibet... wherever. I'll go anywhere.
I love anywhere new and different. That's the fun of travel. I've always loved driving through Spain, France and Italy - sometimes in an Alfa Spider.
I'm going to keep working hard, and I will be happy to play anywhere for the country. I'm young and would like to play anywhere.
I would love to be able to play anywhere, but to me the sweet spot is clubs and theaters, just because I feel like you lean in to tell a joke. You don't back up. Comedy lives in that area. I've played amphitheaters, big clubs, and pool halls, and the most fun rooms hold anywhere from 500 to 2,000 people. That intimacy is where comedy really lives.
British fans are the best, and we are seeing that. They love the sport of boxing. They follow, they travel, they love their fighters. They will go anywhere in the world to support you. They support better than any other country I've seen to this day.
If someone walked along any high street anywhere in London, and probably anywhere in the country, and looked into a letting agency, they would see a sign saying, 'No benefits here.' In other words, anyone in receipt of a state benefit is not allowed to apply for a private rented flat from that agent.
In our imaginations we can go anywhere. Travel with me to Redwall in Mossflower country.
I am willing to go anywhere, anywhere, anywhere-provided it be forward.
Movies are fun because it's usually anywhere from a month to six months that you're filming and you can really connect to some great people and have a lot of fun and go some cool places.
I love San Francisco for the music culture. There's this vibe there that I can't find anywhere else in the world. Easily one of the best places on the sea coast.
I have a thing: I will always put money in for any street musician anywhere in the country, anywhere in the world. It's like giving back the money I got.
Alas! the road to Anywhere is pitfalled with disaster; There's hunger, want, and weariness, yet O we loved it so! As on we tramped exultantly, and no man was our master, And no man guessed what dreams were ours, as, swinging heel and toe, We tramped the road to Anywhere, the magic road to Anywhere, The tragic road to Anywhere, such dear, dim years ago.
If I could not be in this free and wonderful country - I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, mind you - Mexico is where I would live. I love Mexico, and I love the Mexican people.
Science is international: the best scientists can come from anywhere; they can come from next door, or they can come from a small village in a country anywhere in the world - we need to make it easier.
Her business manager said, you know, Gilda [Radner] left you that house. That's when I decided to stay and test it out. And after about a month, the roots grew, and I didn't ever want to live anywhere else for the rest of my life - travel, yes, but not to live anywhere else.
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