A Quote by Samuel Chase

I cannot subscribe to the omnipotence of a State legislature. — © Samuel Chase
I cannot subscribe to the omnipotence of a State legislature.
We're in the hands of the state legislature and God, but at the moment, the state legislature has more to say than God.
Our original idea was to help three or four hundred candidates in the first election run for the Ohio State legislature and the California legislature around the country.
If Jehovah cannot support his religion without going into partnership with a State Legislature, I think he ought to give it up.
The Legislature, which was elected under the Constitution framed and supported by colored men, declared that a man having more than an eighth of African blood in his veins was ineligible to office or a seat in the Legislature of the State of Georgia.
It may pass for a maxim in State, that the administration cannot be placed in too few hands, nor the legislature in too many.
In the state of Michigan, where I served in the state Legislature, there was a lot of shuffling of money between one year and the other to balance the budget.
It is a generally received opinion that there are too many books in the world already. I cannot, however, subscribe to any Institution that proposes to alter this state of affairs, because I find no consensus of opinion as to which are the superfluous books.
Rationalists are admirable beings, rationalism is a hideous monster when it claims for itself omnipotence. Attribution of omnipotence to reason is as bad a piece of idolatry as is worship of stock and stone believing it to be God.
No state legislature ever built a great university.
In the state legislature, I supported Second Amendment rights.
Man is the only animal that laughs and has a state legislature.
Democrats, folks, only have five states where they have the governorship and the state legislature.
Gabby Giffords was a mentor of mine in the state Legislature and also in Congress.
I'm a former governor, and so I was the chief executive, and when the legislature wasn't in session, I was running the state.
The Soviet Union's termination, which brought to an end the bipolar world, ushered in an era of U.S. hegemony. Hegemony, however, should not be confused with omnipotence. Hegemony is not omnipotence but is certainly preponderance.
As I've learned in my time in the state legislature, important legislation is always a work in progress.
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