A Quote by Samuel Johnson

He that will enjoy the brightness of sunshine, must quit the coolness of the shade. — © Samuel Johnson
He that will enjoy the brightness of sunshine, must quit the coolness of the shade.
Love is sunshine, hate is shadow, Life is checkered shade and sunshine.
But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine.
There are varying degrees of shade. There is funny shade, warning shade, tea shade, and mean girl shade.
Sunshine is a welcome thing. It brings a lot of brightness.
NASA will send up a big sun shade that will be in orbit between the earth and sun and deflect 2 or 3 percent of the sunshine back into space. It would be cheaper than the international space station.
We have been friends together In sunshine and in shade.
I do hope that our spring will be starting shortly and we will all be able to enjoy some sunshine again.
He [The Improved Man] will enjoy not only the sunshine of life, but will bear with fortitude the darkest days. He will have no fear of death. About the grave, there will be no terrors, and his life will end as serenely as the sun rises.
To quit smoking, you must first want to quit, but then you must also do the quitting
As God delights in his own beauty, he must necessarily delight in the creature's holiness which is a conformity to and participation of it, as truly as [the] brightness of a jewel, held in the sun's beams, is a participation or derivation of the sun's brightness, though immensely less in degree.
It should be for satsang that we go to spiritual centers. By going there, people who are involved in the world can attain peace and concentration. The concentration gained when one goes there cannot be achieved if one sits at home. Even though the breeze blows everywhere, coolness will be felt more if we sit in the shade of a tree. In the same way, although God is all-pervading, this presence will clearly shine in certain places more than others. That is the greatness of satsang. Satsang is the best thing for spiritual advancement.
We shape ourselves the joy or fear Of which the coming life is made, And fill our Future's atmosphere With sunshine or with shade.
Prosperity suits some people, and they blossom best in a glow of sunshine; others need the shade, and are the sweeter for a touch of frost.
We who are crushed to earth with heavy chains, who travel a weary, rugged, thorny road, groping through midnight darkness on earth, earn our right to enjoy the sunshine in the great hereafter. At the grave, at least, we should be permitted to lay our burdens down, that a new world, a world of brightness, may open to us. The light that is denied us here should grow into a flood of effulgence beyond the dark, mysterious shadows of death.
You must rise above The gloomy clouds Covering the mountaintop Otherwise, how will you Ever see the brightness?
Focus on your dream and never quit. It is always too soon to quit. If you quit, you can't succeed. By achieving your dream you will be an inspiration to others. You will set the example and make an enormous impact on the world.
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