A Quote by Samuel Richardson

Quantity in diet is more to be regarded than quality. A full meal is a great enemy both to study and industry. — © Samuel Richardson
Quantity in diet is more to be regarded than quality. A full meal is a great enemy both to study and industry.
If Americans wish to preserve a country they will recognize, then the first step is to recognize the enemy. Public education is the enemy. The entertainment industry is the enemy. The corporate culture is the enemy. The advertising industry is the enemy. And most of the politicians in both parties are the enemy. An enemy is defined as anybody, or any organization, which is attacking the traditional beliefs of Americans.
The great society is a place where men are more concerned with the quality of their goods than with the quantity of their goods.
I shall content myself with merely declaring my firm conviction that, for the seeker who would live in fear of God and who would see Him face to face, restraint in diet both as to quantity and quality is as essential as restraint in thought and speech.
High quality water is more than the dream of the conservationists, more than a political slogan; high quality water, in the right quantity at the right place at the right time, is essential to health, recreation, and economic growth.
Evidently, quality of wits is more important than quantity.
Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles.
No matter the risks we take, we always consider the end to be too soon, even though in life, more than anything else, quality should be more important than quantity.
The first truth for special operations is that quality is more important than quantity.
Being a wine enthusiast means you care more about quality than quantity.
High quality water is more than the dream of the conservationists, more than a political slogan; high quality water, in the right quantity at the right place at the right time, is essential to health, recreation, and economic growth. Of all our planet's activities - geological movements, the reproduction and decay of biota, and even the disruptive propensities of certain species (elephants and humans come to mind) - no force is greater than the hydrologic cycle.
Desired substance, things, patterns, or sequences of experience that are in some sense "good" for the organism - items of diet, conditions of life, temperature, entertainment, sex, and so forth - are never such that more of the something is always better than less of the something. Rather, for all objects and experiences, there is a quantity that has optimum value. Above that quantity, the variable becomes toxic. To fall below that value is to be deprived.
To me, I would much rather be part of a healthy industry than being the only player in a dead industry. There are so many great artists out there. And the goal is to make great movies, you know? So to be successful, quality is the best business plan as I always say.
I always ate healthy, but it wasn't scientific. Now it's a high-protein diet and no carbohydrates. I have more consistent energy, and I don't get tired after a meal. It does take a very detailed meal plan.
Advertising is full of great thinkers. This is a powerful industry and does a lot more than we take credit for.
Obviously I will try to do 4 films a year, but more than quantity, quality is what matters to me.
Jesus was much more interested in the quality of the people's response to him than in the quantity of the crowd.
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