A Quote by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

All sympathy not consistent with acknowledged virtue is but disguised selfishness. — © Samuel Taylor Coleridge
All sympathy not consistent with acknowledged virtue is but disguised selfishness.
But as to women, who can penetrate the real sufferings of their she condition? Man's very sympathy with their estate has much of selfishness and more suspicion. Their love, their virtue, beauty, education, but form good housekeepers, to breed a nation.
One of the worst things in sports is when selfishness gets disguised as truth.
Selfishness can be a virtue. Selfishness is essential to survival, and without survival we cannot protect those whom we love more than ourselves.
Patience, n. A minor form of dispair, disguised as a virtue.
Faith is an unclassified cognitive illness disguised as a moral virtue.
So what we have tried to do in our later buildings is to try to be completely consistent, as a painter is consistent or as a sculptor is consistent. Architecture also must be very consistent.
Love is the most ethically consistent experience, because selfishness and altruism no longer seem opposed or in conflict.
In one degree or another we all struggle with selfishness. Since it is so common, why worry about selfishness anyway? Because selfishness is really self-destruction in slow motion.
This idea of selfishness as a virtue, as opposed to generosity: That, to me, is unnatural.
As early as 1776, [John Adams] expressed his doubts about America's capacity for virtue. "I have seen all along my Life, Such Selfishness, and Littleness even in New England, that I sometimes tremble to think that, altho We are engaged in the best Cause that ever employed the Human Heart, yet the Prospect of success is doubtfull not for Want of Power or of Wisdom, but of Virtue."
Much that passes as idealism is disguised hatred or disguised love of power.
Any sympathy won for Aileen Wuornos based on a lie is not sympathy at all. The question is, can we have sympathy for the circumstances of someone's life? That's what I was interested in.
I gave you sympathy. *I* want sympathy!" "Are you kidding me? You have the sexiest man on the planet wanting you. You're getting laid regularly. No sympathy for you!
The Civilized… murder their children by producing too many of them without being able to provide for their well-being. Morality or theories of false virtue stimulate them to manufacture cannon fodder, anthills of conscripts who are forced to sell themselves out of poverty. This improvident paternity is a false virtue, the selfishness of pleasure.
Individual versus group selection results in a mix of altruism and selfishness, of virtue and sin, among the members of a society.
Virtue is a habit of the mind, consistent with nature and moderation and reason.
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