A Quote by Sandra Bullock

Makeup is scary. When I do it myself, it's just mascara, and sometimes I forget even to do that. — © Sandra Bullock
Makeup is scary. When I do it myself, it's just mascara, and sometimes I forget even to do that.
I think I might prefer women without makeup. Though I don't really know, because I am not good at identifying makeup. I once wrote in the chat, a long time ago, that my wife wore no mascara. She later informed me dryly that she has worn mascara every day that I ever knew her. Or maybe eye liner. I forget. Which is the one you always wear, girls.
I think mascara is a must. If I'm going to wear makeup somewhere, and I'm doing it, it's usually really simple - it's just mascara and maybe a tiny bit of eyeshadow, but that's it.
Failed relationships can be described as so much wasted makeup. Forget the laughs, forget the fights, forget the sex, forget the jealousy. But take off your hat and observe a moment's silence for the legions of unknown tubes of foundation, mascara, eyeliner, blusher and lipstick who died that it might all have been possible. But who died in vain.
I don't wear that much makeup. I'll do a little concealer here and there and apply some mascara. It just depends on how I'm feeling that day, but I try and go days without makeup just because I think it's healthier for skin to breathe.
My makeup routine is a small amount of base, a mascara, nude eye shadow, and a lip balm or a gloss. When I go out at night, I wear a blusher and tons and tons of mascara - very easy, very fresh, very light. I can't sit around doing my own makeup all day - I wish I could.
Drag for me is costume, and what I'm trying to do is, sometimes I'll go around and wear makeup in the streets, turn up to the gig, take the makeup off, do the show, and then put the makeup back on. It's the inverse of drag. It's not about artifice. It's about me just expressing myself. So when I'm campaigning in London for politics, I campaign with makeup on and the nails. It's just what I have on, like any woman.
I've always had a glam squad to do my makeup because of Miss India and Miss World, so I never really learned much about doing it myself, unfortunately. I do try to pick up what I can, though! The most incredible product that has ever been discovered in makeup, according to me, is mascara.
This is how I feel about horror films: there's enough scary things that happen in day-to-day life. Sometimes just going and getting the mail is scary, when you open your bills. And so, sometimes I feel like scary movies are just tapping into those anxieties and magnifying them.
Honestly, I can't survive without my MAC gloss, pigment - sometimes MAC powder. But definitely my gloss and pigment and liner. I don't do mascara all the time. I do when I wear no lashes. I use the mascara, but when I wear lashes, I don't always do mascara, because it makes it real heavy sometimes.
I don't really wear makeup. I don't like the feeling of it. I just put mascara on, and that's kind of it.
I always do the same makeup because it's what works with my face. Just eyeliner and lots of mascara - very '60s.
Sometimes I forget that I am even watching myself, realizing that's me. It's like you almost become a fan yourself: You are just this normal person watching this show, and then you realize that it's your show. It's weird sometimes.
When I'm working I wear so much makeup, and when I'm out with my friends I wear makeup, so sometimes at school I'm just like, 'Today is not much of a makeup day - foundation, chapstick - done.'
I just realized that I'm just going to be who I am. I don't need to adjust how I look for anyone or even for myself. Even if I have a pimple, I'm not going to cover it up with makeup.
Makeup does a lot for your confidence. When I put makeup on, I walk taller. I smile more. I feel good. I know I look prettier. Even if I just put day makeup on.
Generally I would say that I'm not a super-adventurous shadow girl. I'm all about a lip, eyebrow, and mascara, but through the years, working with different talented makeup artists, I learned how awesome eye makeup can be if you get it right. That's how we got the colors we came up with.
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