A Quote by Sanjaya Baru

The World Bank is a shareholder-driven organisation, and as in all such organisations, the majority of shareholders would want a manager of their liking at the top.
No, the Knicks are not owned by the public. The Knicks are owned by the shareholders of the company, of which I'm the majority shareholder.
What we're trying to do is determine if our shareholders and customers have been misled. We can't think of a single shareholder who would believe that the PSC order isn't in their best interest.
What we've done last night is what I call pushing back the risks..If there is a risk in a bank, our first question should be 'Okay, what are you in the bank going to do about that? What can you do to recapitalise yourself? If the bank can't do it, then we'll talk to the shareholders and the bondholders, we'll ask them to contribute in recapitalising the bank, and if necessary the uninsured deposit holders.
I am the largest shareholder in SoftBank; I share the same interest as the other shareholders.
Wenger is a top manager, he has shown that unbelievably. The thing I like is this manager can make an average player one of the best players in the world.
If you are a manager at the top level, there is pressure, but you have it because you want to be there. If not, you would do something else.
Muslim organisations tend to have a low level of organisation. The communities in Europe are quite diverse.
Rules of Order state that ... No minority has a right to block a majority from conducting the legal business of the organisation .... but No majority has a right to prevent a minority from peacefully attempting to become the majority.
Nobody at Liverpool questions the manager. Jurgen Klopp is a top, top manager.
Shareholder value is the result of you doing a great job, watching your share price go up, your shareholders win, and dividends increasing. What happens when you have increasing shareholder value? You're delivering better employees to their communities and they can give back. Communities are winning because employees are involved in mentoring and all these other things. Customers are winning because you're providing them new products.
There are too many organisations - and the BBC is a fabulous organisation - that seem to think it's OK to badger, hector and threaten people.
I think that not relying too heavily on one bank and one bank manager is a good rule to learn.
I don't think our fiduciary duty is to put shareholders first. I say the opposite. What we firmly believe is that if we focus our company on improving the lives of the world's citizens and come up with genuine sustainable solutions, we are more in synch with consumers and society and ultimately this will result in good shareholder returns.
Compensation needs to be predominately performance-driven. If CEO compensation was performance-driven, which I believe it was in IBM's case, nobody would ever argue. If the shareholders didn't make billions and billions of dollars, I wouldn't make millions of dollars.
There is an honourable tradition in British public life that those charged with authority at the top of an organisation should accept responsibility for what happens in that organisation. I am therefore writing to the prime minister today to tender my resignation as chairman of the BBC.
There is not much point in establishing an organisation like the independent commission for information retrieval, or the other organisations that we agreed to, if we do not encourage people to participate.
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