A Quote by Sanjeeda Sheikh

The most important thing for me is appreciation from the viewers and the love which I get from them. This helps me to work passionately on my projects. — © Sanjeeda Sheikh
The most important thing for me is appreciation from the viewers and the love which I get from them. This helps me to work passionately on my projects.
My family is the most important thing in my life. I would love passionately to have my own children. To have a baby inside me - it's one of my dreams in lie. I would love to hold my children, to run to them, to give them the same happiness my family gives to me.
Being a photographer helps me see the work differently. I always walk away seeing things differently than when I stare at them myself. It gives me a little distance. So I love photography, but it also helps me tell the story. When I shoot the ad campaign for my work, it allows me to be much more direct.
The important thing to me is being productive. It helps me feel good as a person, helps me feel strong, helps me feel like I'm doing something throughout my days.
The military taught me that teamwork is important, which is why I work with both Republicans and Democrats in Congress to get things done. It also taught me that everyone brings a different perspective, whether I agree with it or not, which helps me bridge the divide in Congress.
Talking to someone, meditating, praying, or just plain crying it out helps. The most important thing after doing any of these things is to let them go. I focus on all of the many blessings surrounding me and all those I love, instead.
To have the appreciation from your peers, the fans and the company you work for is the ultimate reward. For me, that has always been ultimate because respect has always been the most important thing to me in this business.
I wouldn't give up my career for somebody. The most important thing to me is my work, and reaching people through my work. It's so important to me. It's my passion.
The lyrics are not an important thing to me. In fact, it can be a distraction. If I knew the language enough to know it was a horrible love song with stupid lyrics - like most of the popular songs are today in the English language that I hear - then it would be much more of a turnoff then if it would allow me to interpret it from the expressive capabilities of the vocalizing or of the sound itself, which allows me to create my own meaning for it, which elevates it into a higher piece of work for me.
I'm a happy man, because I am successful in what I do, of course; but what makes me most happy is I have people around me that I love and who love me back. This, for me, is the most important thing. Nobody likes to be alone.
Love has always been the most important thing to me and the thing by which my life is guided.
The most important thing to me is my work, and reaching people through my work. It's so important to me. It's my passion.
My professional success is really important to me, and my career is really important to me. It's the most important thing to me outside of my family. I take it very seriously and work really, really hard at it. Family comes first, but this is something that's really important to me too.
For me, lyrics are the most important thing in a song. And if they don't have meaning, I would never sing them - unless and until someone who loves your work asks me to do so.
To me who dreamed so much as a child, who made a dreamworld in which I was the heroine of an unending story, the lives of people around me continued to have a certain storybook quality. I learned something which has stood me in good stead many times - The most important thing in any relationship is not what you get but what you give.
I think the most important thing for me is a challenge. I'm not happy, creatively, unless I'm faced with a challenge. So, overcoming those challenges and really discovering characters that aren't like me helps me grow, as a person and as an artist.
I'd like to find great roles close to home and work on great projects while staying near my family. My family's the most important thing to me right now.
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