A Quote by Sarah Gadon

It varies, but in my experience, directors who are the most comfortable with themselves and confident in their work give you and everybody on the crew the freedom and the space to create.
In my experience, directors who are the most comfortable with themselves and confident in their work give you and everybody on the crew the freedom and the space to create. It's the people who are more insecure who feel the need to control and micromanage.
I work with directors who haven't had the experience of being on sets as much as I have. I feel like, in a way, if it's an independent movie, I can teach the crew to kind of relax, or create a vibe. It really is about a vibe.
I think trust is the most important thing. If the actors and the director and the crew trust each other and you set up perimeters and boundaries, you give everyone space to do great work.
In the end, more than freedom, they wanted security. They wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all – security, comfort, and freedom. When the Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for society to give to them, when the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility, then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again.
You need to feel comfortable. When you're comfortable, you feel confident. And when you're confident, the world is your oyster. Most important, you gotta feel what you wear.
I like working with directors I respect, who give me freedom but also give me a good base from which to work.
You know how writers are... they create themselves as they create their work. Or perhaps they create their work in order to create themselves.
I think it's very important to recognize talent in all facets of filmmaking. Making a movie is such a lengthy and intense experience, so it's wonderful to honour actors, directors, producers and all crew members who put so much hard work and passion into a project.
I have learned to take the part of me that is very fearful and work on that. There is space for that in my life. I have learned to give myself a bit more freedom between 'action' and 'cut.' I come by all that fear honestly, like most humans have. I can't bring it with me to work, so in that way, the work feels quite liberating.
Basic income would give people the most important freedom: the freedom of deciding for themselves what they want to do with their lives.
The thing I noticed, have learned the most about directors, is: when they're very confident in themselves, they're open to creativity from other people. If they're scared or nervous, then they shut off and nobody's ideas [count].
For me, I go somewhere for three days, and then I come back and I want to change everything, and so it's a fight with everybody. I'm transforming and convincing. It's more than designing. It's shaking people and trying to give them direction. I'm a bit of a control freak. This is a problem as I get older, and it's something I should work on. I should be more confident - learn to trust people and give them freedom and delegate.
In the past, I didn't speak up about the issues concerning the film crew. I was busy memorizing my lines and trying to maintain the continuity. But I've come to realize that it's really important for us, as actors, to encourage the crew and create the perfect atmosphere so that they can bring out the best in themselves.
The bottom line is, as the season goes on, everybody becomes more comfortable. For a quarterback, it's more than just him. It's everybody else doing things. Offense is all about how things work as a unit. It's everybody being comfortable.
As actors, we have the opportunity to work with many directors. Directors only work with themselves and other actors. They never know what it is like to work with another director. So that relationship that one has with a director is entirely always the king.
The most terrifying thing for most everybody in the whole Western World is to take responsibility for your own life and to experience real freedom.
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