A Quote by Sarah Huckabee Sanders

I'm honored to help Mr. Trump make America great again. — © Sarah Huckabee Sanders
I'm honored to help Mr. Trump make America great again.
Mr. Trump is God's man to dismantle, to upset, and to bring America - though he wants to make her great again.
Make America Great Again was a political slogan. It was used before, I believe Ronald Reagan used it before. It was about making America great and rallying America. Unfortunately, I would say 10 percent of the population that voted for President Trump has a different view. They have embraced it as 'Make America White Again.'
I really couldn't be more excited about the opportunity that we have with this new president [Donald Trump] to really turn this country around and get the economy moving again and have America standing tall again, home and abroad, to make America great again.
The one question I would have for Donald Trump is inspired by his 'Make America Great Again' cap. I would ask him, 'When was America great? When did America not have an economic depression or a war?'
I find it highly amusing that Donald Trump talks about "Make America Great Again." He doesn`t make a thing in America, except bankruptcies.
When Donald Trump says make America great again, we know whose America that is.
When I hear Donald Trump say, "Make America great again", I wonder when he thought America ever was great." He has been criticizing our country for decades. He even criticized Ronald Reagan.
The vision Donald Trump has articulated to Make America Great Again means a stronger America at home and abroad.
Trump's campaign slogan resonates strongly with a large population of Americans. 'Make America Great Again' portrays a nostalgia for what America once was, and a longing desire to return to that time. Millennials unfortunately don't know first-hand that time which Trump is talking about.
This has never happened to a major - to a nominee of a major party just a few days ago Donald Trump was endorsed by the official newspaper of the Ku Klux Klan. They wrote their endorsement under the slogan of his campaign, "make america great again." Do any of us have a place in Trump`s america?
Let's rally behind Donald Trump, and together, let's make America great again!
I mean business about standing with President Trump to make America great again.
You'll never make America great again, [Donald] Trump, but you can extend her time.
I will tell my children that Mr. Trump fought for the little guy, for the mom and pop in Erie County who lost all hope. While Mr. Trump was far from perfect, he stood by people of faith who love America.
There's tremendous spirit about make America great again. I mean that's the whole thing. We're going to make America great again.
Trump's victory clearly appears to stem from a sense of economic powerlessness, or a fear of losing power, among his supporters. To them, his simple slogan, 'Make America great again,' sounds like 'Make You great again': economic power will be given to the multitudes without taking anything away from the already successful.
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